
corrupt是什么意思 corrupt在线翻译 corrupt什么意思 corrupt的意思 corrupt的翻译 corrupt的解释 corrupt的发音 corrupt的同义词 corrupt的反义词

corrupt [kəˈrʌpt]  [kəˈrʌpt] 


corrupt 基本解释


形容词堕落的,道德败坏的; 贪污的,腐败的; 腐烂的; (文献等)错误百出的

及物动词使腐败; 使堕落; 使腐烂

不及物动词腐化; 堕落; 腐烂

corrupt 网络解释

1. 损坏:如果在启动Time Machine时,该文件就损坏(corrupt)了,以后也好不了. ...

2. 破坏:Immunity表示,Cloudburst具有可以破坏(corrupt)内存的能力,这允许它以隧道方式在客户机帧缓冲区(frame buffer)之上建立起与主机的MOSDEF连接,从而与主机进行通信.

3. corrupt的翻译

3. 腐败的:contributive 有贡献的 | corrupt 腐败的 | delicious 美味可口的

corrupt 词典解释

1. 腐败的;贪污的;受贿的;营私舞弊的
    Someone who is corrupt behaves in a way that is morally wrong, especially by doing dishonest or illegal things in return for money or power.


    e.g. ...to save the nation from corrupt politicians of both parties...
    e.g. ...corrupt police officers...

...several government officials charged with acting corruptly.

2. 使腐化
    If someone is corrupted by something, it causes them to become dishonest and unjust and unable to be trusted.

    e.g. It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.

3. 使堕落
    To corrupt someone means to cause them to stop caring about moral standards.

    e.g. ...warning that television will corrupt us all...
    e.g. Cruelty depraves and corrupts.

4. 损坏;破坏
    If something is corrupted, it becomes damaged or spoiled in some way.

    e.g. Some of the finer typefaces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers...
    e.g. They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices.

corrupt 单语例句

1. The liberal use of business expenses for personal enjoyment is also corrupt, while being good for the Macao gaming industry.

2. Investigations also found that Zhang gained " huge profits " from illegal business operations, fabricated facts to frame others and led a corrupt life.

3. A businesswoman proves the fairer sex can be just as corrupt as men by offering her male secretary a BMW in return for sexual services.

4. Zhao said lethal injection for corrupt officials was not an act of mercy for those in power.

5. The company suspended the four in April 2010 as part of an internal investigation into its compliance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

6. A handful of Party members are " corrupt and degenerate, " CPC leaders warned at a meeting of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau.

7. But education has often failed as a check against being corrupt in office or by power.

8. The faked chip scandal in Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2006 showed how corrupt a researcher could be.

9. It should not just address the symptom but help build the immune system up to reduce the chances for officials to become corrupt.

10. To some extent, luxury products provide a vital clue to start investigations against suspected corrupt officials.

corrupt 英英释义


1. alter from the original

    Synonym: spoil

2. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon

    e.g. sully someone's reputation

    Synonym: defilesullytaintcloud

3. make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence

    e.g. This judge can be bought

    Synonym: bribebuygrease one's palms

4. corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality

    e.g. debauch the young people with wine and women
           Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
           Do school counselors subvert young children?
           corrupt the morals

    Synonym: pervertsubvertdemoralizedemoralisedebauchdebaseprofanevitiatedepravemisdirect


1. lacking in integrity

    e.g. humanity they knew to be corrupt...from the day of Adam's creation
           a corrupt and incompetent city government

2. touched by rot or decay

    e.g. tainted bacon
           `corrupt' is archaic

    Synonym: tainted

3. containing errors or alterations

    e.g. a corrupt text
           spoke a corrupted version of the language

    Synonym: corrupted

4. not straight
    dishonest or immoral or evasive

    Synonym: crooked

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