
costume是什么意思 costume在线翻译 costume什么意思 costume的意思 costume的翻译 costume的解释 costume的发音 costume的同义词 costume的反义词

costume [ˈkɒstju:m]  [ˈkɑ:stu:m] 


costume 基本解释

名词(戏剧或电影的)戏装,演出服; 服装,衣服; 泳装,常用于英式英语; (某地或某历史时期的)服装

及物动词给…穿上服装; 给…提供服装

costume 相关例句


1. She costumed a historical play.


1. costume的近义词

1. Her national costume showed which country she came from.

2. He changed his costume for the party.

costume 网络解释

1. 服装:Visible components: 服装(costume):电影里师傅所穿的衣服. 饮食(cuisine):面条,包子,饺子,用筷子就餐. 语言(language):太极,功夫,风水,关系这些中文词已经加入到英文中.

2. 装束:人家说女儿的装束很特别,我解释拐杖是真用途,并不是鬼节装束(costume),女儿得到了额外的一把糖. 她也学精了,敲开门之后先告诉人家她骨折了. 一条街走下来,要的糖都够吃两年的了. 我怎么都觉着这有点像乞丐向人展示他的伤口.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 戲裝:提示:昨天是妈妈的生日,我从家的花园里摘了些鲜花送给妈妈. 爸爸到商店为她买了一条漂亮的裙子. 晚上我们一起看了京剧. 漂亮的戏装(costume)和脸谱,动听的唱腔,精彩的打斗使妈妈开心,爸爸和我也很开心.

costume 词典解释

1. (演员或表演者的)戏服,表演服装
    An actor's or performer's costume is the set of clothes they wear while they are performing.

    e.g. Even from a distance the effect of his fox costume was stunning...
    e.g. The performers, in costume and make-up, were walking up and down backstage...

2. (某历史时期或某国的)服装,装束
    The clothes worn by people at a particular time in history, or in a particular country, are referred to as a particular type of costume .

    e.g. ...men and women in eighteenth-century costume...
    e.g. In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac, women still wear their traditional costume.

3. (戏剧)古装的
    A costume play or drama is one which is set in the past and in which the actors wear the type of clothes that were worn in that period.

    e.g. ...a lavish costume drama set in Ireland and the US in the 1890s.

costume 单语例句


1. Famous Italian brands like Freddy will bring their latest designs and fans can also buy the Italian national team costume as worn by Olympic competitors.

2. Behind each authentic ethnic costume is an individual who made it by hand, using techniques passed down by older generations.

3. Reeves saw his career diminish when audiences couldn't imagine him without a cape and costume.

4. We don't come back from the carol concert and settle down to anything involving Dudley Moore in an elf costume.

5. A parade squad made up of 300 people dressing in cartoon costume also showed up on the street to entertain the crowd.

6. Producer Zhang Weiping says his discussion with Jay was satisfying and Jay's pop music, shy character and appearance in ancient costume fit the film role well.

7. To add color to her strong point she wore her tribal costume with a painted tattoo face.

8. The cheongsam began China's sort of national costume for women during this time.

9. After being greeted by doormen in grand Vietnamese costume it is a pleasant surprise to be in a room so chic yet so unobtrusive.

10. German choreographer Patrick De Bana has been invited to direct the dance drama, and stage and costume designer Jerome Kaplan to create the theater design.


costume 英英释义


1. the attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball

    e.g. he won the prize for best costume

2. the attire characteristic of a country or a time or a social class

    e.g. he wore his national costume

3. unusual or period attire not characteristic of or appropriate to the time and place

    e.g. in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume

4. the prevalent fashion of dress (including accessories and hair style as well as garments)


1. dress in a costume

    e.g. We dressed up for Halloween as pumpkins

    Synonym: dress up

2. furnish with costumes
    as for a film or play

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