
cottage是什么意思 cottage在线翻译 cottage什么意思 cottage的意思 cottage的翻译 cottage的解释 cottage的发音 cottage的同义词 cottage的反义词

cottage [ˈkɒtɪdʒ]  [ˈkɑ:tɪdʒ] 


cottage 基本解释

名词小屋,村舍; (农舍式的)小别墅; (郊外的)新式住宅,(大院内的)单幢住宅; 乡下房子,小房子


cottage 相关例句


1. cottage什么意思

1. My uncle lived in a small cottage by the river.

cottage 网络解释

1. cottage的翻译

1. 村舍:对粮食、物产和资金进行修正;山峦(peak)不再能够通行,而且在地图上多集中出现,将会形成一些自然的关口;猎人营地(camp):掌握狩猎(hunting),只能在有鹿(deer)、皮毛(fur)、象牙(ivory)资源处建造;村舍(cottage):掌握陶器(pottery)资金+1;

2. 农舍:实际上,任何房屋装修都可以申请退税,包括房屋、共管公寓,以及农舍(cottage)的维修. 房门更换,窗户维修,院子整修等,房主都可以获得退税. 实际上,该计划要求加拿大人如果在接受加拿大税务局(Canada Revenue Agency)审计时,

3. 茅舍:上周末,Ed带我去尝尝加拿大人的'茅舍' (cottage) 假期. 他朋友的家族在北上靠湖边有一个别致的渡假屋. 我们就占了这个便宜也去一起去玩玩.

4. 小屋:这篇短文是一则房屋出租或出售的广告,介绍了图片中那座小屋(cottage)的历史、位置、房屋内部结构、外部环境及相关的生活配套设施等. 对话是根据短文内容但并不是完全按短文内容依次展开的,这一点要注意.

cottage 词典解释

1. (乡间)小屋;村舍
    A cottage is a small house, usually in the country.


    e.g. They used to have a cottage in N.W. Scotland...
    e.g. My sister Yvonne also came to live at Ockenden Cottage with me.

cottage 单语例句


1. In China there is a cottage industry that pays people to act as if they are the voices of the public.

2. Fulham has just announced plans for a splendid new riverside stand that will substantially increase the capacity of Craven Cottage.

3. Although the authorities have reinforced it and decorated outside with gray ceramic tiles, the cottage looks ancient in comparison.

4. I spent another four hours visiting the Wuhou Ci and the Thatched Cottage of Du Fu in the vicinity.

5. Bar hoppers will find the classic Irish pub fare like fish and chips, cottage pie and a mean steak sandwich served with the works.

6. Chiang named the house " Ai Lu ", meaning love cottage.

7. The journey unfolds past mangrove forests and green rice paddies, offering glimpses of many villages and cottage industries along the way.

8. You'll find the classic Irish pub fare like fish and chips, cottage pie and a mean steak sandwich served with the works.

9. The couple are now said to be planning a summer wedding and searching for a home in Oxford and cottage in Wales.

10. Cottage pleaded guilty to one count of possession of explosives but denies one count of conspiracy to cause an explosion.

cottage 英英释义


1. a small house with a single story

    Synonym: bungalow

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