
cotton是什么意思 cotton在线翻译 cotton什么意思 cotton的意思 cotton的翻译 cotton的解释 cotton的发音 cotton的同义词 cotton的反义词 cotton的例句

cotton [ˈkɒtn]  [ˈkɑ:tn] 


cotton 基本解释

名词棉; 棉线; 棉织物; (其他植物所生的绒毛状的)棉状物

不及物动词喜欢; 赞成; 一致; 交往

cotton 相关例句


1. A girl must cotton to somebody.

2. That dog doesn't cotton to strangers.

3. He cottons to the plan.


1. cotton的近义词

1. She sewed the buttons on with cotton.

cotton 网络解释

1. cotton在线翻译

1. 棉:品名 人气百搭硬挺短版外套 ( 娇艳桃 ) 规格 材质: 35% 棉 (Cotton) , 65% 聚脂纤维 (Polyester) 弹性:无 平放量单面尺寸 ( 单位:吋 / 公分 ) : 领围: 10 吋 (25.5 公分 ) 肩宽: 15 吋 (38 公分 ) 胸宽: 18 吋 (46 公分 ) 袖

2. cotton的解释

2. 棉纤维:采用60%棉纤维(cotton)和40%宝丽丝纤维(polyester)的天人合一,成份比例经专业测试和调整,在突出棉织物吸湿透气、柔软舒适等特点的同时,又强调宝丽丝抗皱、易洗速干、易打理的特性,面料手感挺括,色彩均匀亮丽,是干练男士驰骋于商界的首选佳品.

3. cotton的解释

3. 棉布:此尿布是100%棉布(Cotton)的裁质,无论是新或用过的尿布;MM们确记勿将尿布和柔软剂或漂白剂一起混洗,因为这样做会破坏尿布本身的裁质,要记得哟!可以放进洗衣机里洗,洗干净后将尿布晒干,然后就可以再用回咯!

cotton 词典解释

1. 棉布
    Cotton is a type of cloth made from soft fibres from a particular plant.


    e.g. ...a cotton shirt.

2. 棉;棉花;棉株
    Cotton is a plant which is grown in warm countries and which produces soft fibres used in making cotton cloth.

    e.g. ...a large cotton plantation in Tennessee.

3. 棉线;棉纱
    Cotton is thread that is used for sewing, especially thread that is made from cotton.


    e.g. There's a needle and cotton there.

in AM, use 美国英语用 thread

4. 脱脂棉;药棉
    Cotton or absorbent cotton is a soft mass of cotton, used especially for applying liquids or creams to your skin.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 cotton wool

相关词组:cotton oncotton to

cotton 单语例句


1. By day they are either in light rubberized fabric or traditional cotton and linen.

2. Technical staff even sent a cotton breeding species into space on board a satellite, seeking to activate some sleeping genes in the species.

3. Activated carbon, cotton quilts and sponge have been thrown into the river to absorb the coal tar.

4. He dropped from pole position to fifth on Lap 1 but stayed calm, wrapped his car in cotton wool and came home second.

5. The old people sit around the campfire in their traditional cotton clothes and goatskin capes.

6. Beside the canoe there were many short oars, also covered by white cotton soaked with medicinal liquid.

7. You can also see the first aircraft with cotton wings made by Wright Brothers, and learn about the carbonized cotton filament used by Thomas Edison.

8. Casablanca Home worked with the organization Cotton USA this year, and has produced this limited edition bed linen for the Chinese market.

9. While these thick duvets are normally filled with cotton, the market now offers a range of lighter choices such as cashmere and eiderdown.

10. There is also a new garden opposite the country park management center where you can find a coral tree and a cotton tree.

cotton 英英释义



1. fabric woven from cotton fibers

2. thread made of cotton fibers

3. erect bushy mallow plant or small tree bearing bolls containing seeds with many long hairy fibers

    Synonym: cotton plant

4. soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state

    Synonym: cotton fibercotton wool


1. take a liking to

    e.g. cotton to something

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