
counselor是什么意思 counselor在线翻译 counselor什么意思 counselor的意思 counselor的翻译 counselor的解释 counselor的发音 counselor的同义词

counselor ['kaʊnsələ]  [ˈkaʊnsəlɚ, -slɚ] 


counselor 基本解释

名词顾问; <律>律师; (使馆等的)参赞; (协助学生解决问题的)指导老师

counselor 情景对话

Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询)

A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today.


A:Her father is dying.


B:Oh, that’s very sad.


A:Yeah, she’s broken up about it, poor kid.

B:What did you do?

A:I talked to her for a while, but she’s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.

B:That’s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He’s better trained to handle these sorts of things.

A:Yeah, that’s what I told her. I’m glad she’s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.

B:Yeah, me too.

counselor 网络解释

1. 顾问:教师在培养学生自主的过程中充当了导师(facilitator)、顾问(counselor)和信息资源(resource)的角色,. 作为导师的教师应提高学习者的个人素质,激发其学习主动性的能力,提高自主学习意识,还要能分析学生需求、目标确定和工作计划等,

2. 辅导老师:为了让学生在学校內集中精力学习,在日常生活中得到充分照顾,学院为每位学生指定辅导老师(counselor)以便对学生在生活学习上进行指导. 学院与加拿大凯波布兰顿大学(University College Of Cape Breton)及格冉派瑞学院(Grande Prairie Regional College)达成协作协议,

3. 咨询者:教师的主要作用不再是讲解语法知识,而是扮演学生学习促进者(learning facilitator),同时在不同的场合还扮演不同的角色,如导演(director)、咨询者(counselor)、参与者(participant)等.

4. 辅导员:临床心理师 VS 精神科医生 (Psychiatrist) VS 辅导员 (Counselor)考取受承认的辅导学位,并向社会发展部辅导局 (Lembaga Kaunselor) 申请成为注册辅导员.

counselor 单语例句


1. One of the things I learned when I was training to become a health counselor is the importance of really chewing your whole grains.

2. Another area where counselor and patient might need to find common ground is spiritual belief.

3. Anything discussed between the boy and the counselor would not be admissible in court, the judge said.

4. With him as counselor to the central government, the protection of cultural heritage will be higher on the agenda of the State Council.

5. The counselor heads a delegation of nine Swedish companies that specialize in environmental technologies on a promotion tour at the annual exhibition.

6. Wang has worked as a psychological counselor at CWU for six years and says she receives around 70 female student clients every term.

7. The distressed mother had sought counselor Zhao Yuping's help because her son barely spoke to her since he entered high school.

8. He speaks little Chinese and they little English, but language poses no barrier to the popular mental health counselor in Beichuan Middle School.

9. On Friday the judge imposed a gag order on attorneys after one defense counselor gave a TV interview.

10. Wang said that in his seven years'experience as a counselor, he has seen four patients troubled by this issue.

counselor 英英释义


1. a lawyer who pleads cases in court

    Synonym: advocatecounselcounsellorcounselor-at-lawpleader

2. someone who gives advice about problems

    Synonym: counsellor

3. someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp

    Synonym: counsellor

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