
countdown是什么意思 countdown在线翻译 countdown什么意思 countdown的意思 countdown的翻译 countdown的解释 countdown的发音 countdown的同义词

countdown [ˈkaʊntdaʊn]  [ˈkaʊntˌdaʊn] 


countdown 基本解释

名词倒数读秒,倒计时; 大事临近的时期; 准备过程,准备工作

countdown 网络解释

1. 倒计数:4.倒计数(Countdown) 组织读出数据和信息过程来让错做程序保持并行, 以便检查每一个步骤, 如航天器发射, 它还在手术操作和焊接中被有效应用. 5.特殊检验,控制装置(Specialcheckingandcontroldevices) 如计算机检查信用账号,

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 倒數:很久没有过倒数(countdown)的感觉了. 也许是日子过得过于平淡,没有什么特别期待或者特别不期待的事情值得去数日子,以至于被同事误以为是心态好,着实让人汗颜了.

3. 堡垒出击:1 誘敵深入 Boobytrap | 2 堡壘出擊 Countdown | 3 城市上天 Space Fold

countdown 词典解释

1. (尤指航天器发射前的)倒计时
    A countdown is the counting aloud of numbers in reverse order before something happens, especially before a spacecraft is launched.

    e.g. The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle...
    e.g. There were three more things to do before countdown.

2. 临近时期
    The countdown to an event is the period of time leading up to the event.

    e.g. ...the countdown to the next election.

countdown 单语例句

1. Shuttle managers had said they would halt the countdown and call everything off if any of the four hydrogen fuel gauges acted up.

2. The carnival reached its climax at the countdown moment with the launch of a spectacular light show complemented with pyrotechnics.

3. As for the 2009 countdown to new year event hosted by Chan, he argued no guilt attaches to his client in two other charges against him.

4. Soon the countdown clock reappeared, and my system was forced to reboot several more times.

5. Now, everybody's looking forward to the New Year countdown at Marina Bay!

6. Low clouds forced the space agency to scrub a launch attempt Thursday night during a countdown that ran down to the wire.

7. The launch had been delayed seven times since 2005, most notably last week when the countdown was stopped eight minutes before blastoff.

8. In the countdown to the midnight deadline, thousands of RCTV backers banged pots in protest and played recordings of sirens.

9. Lau expects the New Year countdown celebration - being held this year for the second time - to be another attraction to overseas tourists.

10. The launching ceremony marked the countdown to the first exchange program involving youngsters from 36 districts in Beijing and Hong Kong.

countdown 英英释义


1. counting backward from an arbitrary number to indicate the time remaining before some event (such as launching a space vehicle)

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