
counterbalance是什么意思 counterbalance在线翻译 counterbalance什么意思 counterbalance的意思 counterbalance的翻译 counterbalance的解释

counterbalance [ˌkaʊntəˈbæləns]  [ˌkaʊntərˈbæləns] 


counterbalance 基本解释


名词抗衡 (力),平衡力

counterbalance 网络解释

1. 抗衡:扩大相关利益的参与机会并在各种冲突的价值和利益间保持平衡(balance among competing valuesand interests),为实现这一目标,行政法应该更多地考虑保护相对较弱的一方的利益(comparatively ill-organized interests),以抗衡(counterbalance)地位较强的行政机关

2. 调整平衡:调整平衡 调整平衡(Counterbalance)又称平衡控制(Flagging),并非特定之攀岩技巧,而是一项攀岩原则--平均分配身体之重量以保持平衡. 调整平衡意即选择最能平衡身体的把手点或踏足点;也意指无把手点或踏足点时,将手或脚摆在特定位置,

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 平衡:调整平衡(Counterbalance)又称平衡控制(Flagging),并非特定之攀岩技巧,而是一项攀岩原则--平均分配身体之重量以保持平衡. 调整平衡意即选择最能平衡身体的把手点或踏足点;也意指无把手点或踏足点时,将手或脚摆在特定位置,以保持身体平衡.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 弥补,使抵消:counterattact 反攻,反击 | counterbalance 弥补,使抵消 | counterfeit 伪造,假冒的

counterbalance 词典解释

1. 对…起平衡作用;抗衡;抵消
    To counterbalance something means to balance or correct it with something that has an equal but opposite effect.

    e.g. Add honey to counterbalance the acidity...
    e.g. His patriarchal generosity is counterbalanced by his ruthlessness.

2. 起平衡作用的事物;抗衡力;抵消因素
    Something that is a counterbalance to something else counter-balances that thing.


    e.g. ...organisations set up as a counterbalance to groups allied to the ANC.

counterbalance 单语例句

1. This will allow independent directors to counterbalance the influence of big shareholders.

2. High school graduates from the impoverished counties are given preferential treatment, a move interpreted by many to counterbalance the country's regional discrepancy in education quality.

3. Its foreign secretary's rhetoric is a very dangerous sign that the Philippines will probably be the country stuck in a dangerous counterbalance game with Japan.

4. A marriage counseling company in Shanghai is to launch a wifely skills training course in an effort to counterbalance soaring divorce rates.

5. The countries seeking to counterbalance China simply aim to use such a balance to maintain regional peace and stability and maximize interests for their development.

6. Schroeder touted the country's role as a European leader and counterbalance to America, while Merkel pledged to reform the economy and strengthen relations with Washington.

7. Chavez has courted foes and critics of Washington in what he calls an effort to create a global counterbalance to US domination.

8. Activity in Hong Kong is cooling in response to weakening Western demand, but the mainland market is still providing a partial counterbalance.

9. Recent US moves in the region have spawned suspicions that Washington's purpose is to counterbalance China's rising influence in Asia.

10. Speculation has been increasing in some quarters that the US wants to counterbalance the rising regional clout of China.


counterbalance 英英释义



1. a weight that balances another weight

    Synonym: counterweightcounterpoisebalanceequalizerequaliser

2. a compensating equivalent

    Synonym: offset

3. equality of distribution

    Synonym: balanceequilibriumequipoise


1. oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions

    e.g. This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues

    Synonym: counteractcountervailneutralize

2. contrast with equal weight or force

    Synonym: oppose

3. adjust for

    e.g. engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance

    Synonym: compensatecorrectmake upeven outeven offeven up

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