
counterweight是什么意思 counterweight在线翻译 counterweight什么意思 counterweight的意思 counterweight的翻译 counterweight的解释 counterweight的发音

counterweight [ˈkaʊntəweɪt]  [ˈkaʊntərweɪt] 


counterweight 基本解释


counterweight 网络解释

1. 配重:将它形容为吊床(hammock)和躺椅(chaise longue)的混交设计,十分实在. PK-24的座位与靠背顺沿柳条编织包覆的不锈钢框架而下,人们躺坐上面可以全身在椅框内移动位置. 皮革制作的头枕藉由不锈钢配重(counterweight)悬挂在背后,还可调整到使坐者感到最舒适的位置.

2. 平衡重:原来无法检测出反向旋转,此次通过采用德国博世(Bosch)生产的新传感器,能够检测出反向旋转. 发动机停止时有时会因曲柄轴平衡重(CounterWeight)重量发生轻微反向旋转,通过检测这种动作,可比原来更为准确地计算出活塞的位置.

3. counterweight的意思

3. 抗衡:每一种权力的形式,每一种权威都需要某种抗衡(counterweight). 任何团体、任何权力都不得居于至高无上的地位. 在这样的政体(scheme)下,法官扮演着异乎寻常的重要角色. 司法审查--我们一会儿还要讲到--给予法官一种凌驾于政府其他部门之上的否决权.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 平衡物:5A -- 离手花式,创自美国悠悠大师:Steve Brown,把一个平衡物(counterweight)栓在绳子末端,而不用系在手指上,手并没受到束缚. 常见的平衡物与悠悠球重量比大概为1:7或1:6,玩的时候要求包含平衡物离开的元素手才算是5A花式,变化多端,

counterweight 词典解释

1. 抗衡的行为(或提议);平衡物
    A counterweight is an action or proposal that is intended to balance or counter other actions or proposals.

    e.g. His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the Committee.

2. 对…起平衡作用;抗衡
    If one action or proposal is intended to counterweight another, it is intended to balance or counter the other action or proposal.


    e.g. This will be used to counterweight the capital gains argument.

counterweight 单语例句

1. India too is emerging as a powerhouse and being courted by the US as a possible counterweight to China.

2. The ideology of Eurafrica shows that Europe is increasingly feeling unsafe, and is eager to find a partner to create a counterweight to Chimerica.

3. Sarkozy seems disinterested in Chirac's view of France as a philosophical and political counterweight to the global hegemony of the United States.

4. Absent from the new cabinet are Berlusconi's estranged Christian Democrat allies, who gave his last government a centrist counterweight to the right.


counterweight 英英释义



1. a weight that balances another weight

    Synonym: counterbalancecounterpoisebalanceequalizerequaliser


1. constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to

    Synonym: counterpoisecounterpose

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