
covered是什么意思 covered在线翻译 covered什么意思 covered的意思 covered的翻译 covered的解释 covered的发音 covered的同义词 covered的反义词

covered [ˈkʌvəd]  [ˈkʌvərd] 


covered 基本解释

形容词大量的; 有遮盖物的,(尤指)有顶的

动词包括; 覆盖( cover的过去式和过去分词); 掩护

covered 情景对话



A:Ah, Lian and Lok. Welcome. It’s a pleasure to see you here again. Now, you know everyone here, except for Ahmed.

B:How do you do?

A:How do you do?

B:A pleasure.

A:Ahmed is our business manager. He’ll be sitting in. Can we get you anything? Tea or coffee?
      阿麦德是我们的业务经理。他会旁听这次谈判。 二位需要喝些什么吗?茶还是咖啡?

B:No, thank you.

A:We’re fine thanks.

B:All right then. Please, take a seat. I know your time is valuable. We’re hoping that this meeting won’t go longer than an hour. Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish?
      那好,各位请坐吧。 我知道各位的时间很宝贵,我们希望这次会晤的时间不要超过一个小时。 会谈结束时二位是否需要我们为您安排计程车呢?


A:Thank you. That would be great.

B:I’ll make a note of it. I have an agenda drawn up but feel free to change the order or add items as you wish.
      我会记住这件事的。 我这里有一份起草好了的会谈程序,不过如果二位有任何议题需要增减的话,请务必不要拘泥于此。


A:This looks fine. You seem to have covered everything.

covered 网络解释

1. covered

1. 隐蔽着的:coverall 包罗万象的 | covered 隐蔽着的 | coverer 包装工人

2. 被遮盖的;被淹没的;阴天:covered wire 绝缘线 | covered 被遮盖的;被淹没的;阴天 | covered 覆盖的敷涂的

3. 覆盖的敷涂的:covered 被遮盖的;被淹没的;阴天 | covered 覆盖的敷涂的 | coveredways 遮蔽船台

4. 暗礁:covered berth 遮蔽船台 | covered 暗礁 | covered barge 甲板驳

covered 词典解释

1. 有顶的
    A covered area is an area that has a roof.

    e.g. There are 40 shops, cafes and restaurants in a covered mall.

covered 单语例句

1. The " Words of the Heart - Versatility " is composed of two acrylic paintings featuring two women's faces covered by flowers of different colors.

2. To prevent guests from trampling on the flowers, he covered the floor with acrylic glass.

3. He seems too busy to tidy up his desk, which is covered in business cards and office papers.

4. Respondents in all sectors covered expect a surge in business volume or output.

5. Issues covered included how busy and crowded some places are, and the conditions they may find when they return to their orphanage.

6. He had knife cuts on the head and his face was covered by blood.

7. What is the scope of intellectual property covered by the indemnification clause?

8. " I guess the losses will be eventually covered by the Ministry of Finance, " Jin said.

9. Employment is covered by China's Labor Law and has little to do with one's values or sexual orientation.

10. One reason is that most fatal cancers occur in people 65 or older - an age group covered by the federal Medicare program.

covered 英英释义



1. overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something
    sometimes used as a combining form

    e.g. women with covered faces
           covered wagons
           a covered balcony

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