
cracking是什么意思 cracking在线翻译 cracking什么意思 cracking的意思 cracking的翻译 cracking的解释 cracking的发音 cracking的同义词

cracking [ˈkrækɪŋ]  [ˈkrækɪŋ] 


cracking 基本解释

形容词优秀的; 美妙的; 分裂的; 极快的

副词非常; 极其

名词破裂; 分馏; [化]裂化

动词打开( crack的现在分词); (使…)开裂; 说(笑话); 开瓶

cracking 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 裂化:参考资料 裂化 裂化(cracking) 一种使烃类分子分裂为几个较小分子的反应过程. 烃类分子可能在碳-碳键、碳-氢键、无机原子与碳或氢原子之间的键处分裂. 在工业裂化过程中,主要发生的是前两类分裂. 在中国,习惯上把从重质油生产汽油和柴油的过程称为裂化;

2. 开裂:(40)开裂(Cracking)漆膜出现不连续的外观变化. 通常是由于漆膜老化而引起. 重要的形式为:微裂、细裂、小裂、深裂、龟裂、鸦爪裂. (41)微裂;发丝裂(Hair cracking)很细浅的表面裂纹且分布不规则的一种开裂形式. (42)细裂;

3. cracking是什么意思

3. 破裂:文档简介: 4-13 开模时或顶出时成品破裂 破裂(cracking)是成形品表面产生毛发状之裂纹,成形品会有棱角时,此部份常发生不易看出的细裂纹.裂纹是成形品的致命不良现象主要原因如下所示.

4. cracking的近义词

4. 裂缝:3.如果是油漆过去已经漆过的表面,而且原来的油漆没有起皮(peeling)起泡(blistering)裂缝(cracking)等等问题的话,只要很轻的很快的用细砂纸磨一遍,直接漆面漆就可以啦,当然有问题的话,也要先修复,要上底漆.

cracking 词典解释

1. 优秀的;极好的;顶呱呱的
    You use cracking to describe something you think is very good or exciting.


    e.g. It's a cracking novel...
    e.g. The way Liverpool play, and the way we play, I think it will be a cracking game.

2. 马上开始;加紧做
    If you tell someone to get cracking, you are telling them to start doing something immediately.

    e.g. Mark, you'd better get cracking, the sooner the better...
    e.g. Vouchers must be redeemed before September 14th so you'd better get cracking to cash in.

3. 迅速地;飞速地
    If you say that someone or something is moving at a cracking pace, you mean that they are moving very quickly.

    e.g. She set off at a cracking pace to Mr Ramzan's Superstore...
    e.g. The film belts along at a cracking pace.

cracking 单语例句

1. The online poll echoed Premier Wen Jiabao's call for cracking down on corruption in the public sector on Monday.

2. The comments came as the government is cracking down on rampant production capacity expansion in the sector.

3. Authorities will step up measures to shut down substandard organic food businesses, cracking down on illegal activities such as certification misuse and counterfeiting of organic food products.

4. Cracking down on prostitution is certainly one of the major measures to check the spread of AIDS in addition to remedying corroded social ethics.

5. However, he stressed that China has a developed legal system in cracking down on child labor.

6. It is said that cracking seeds can be as addictive as smoking.

7. Zhu created his vivid human pieces of art mainly through chopping, peeling and cracking a whole piece of wood with saws.

8. In Ohio, people reported the sound of plaster cracking in Cleveland and buildings in Cincinnati gently swaying.

9. Cracking the consumer market will be a tough challenge for Cisco as its brand awareness among average consumers remains low.

10. Women from China are giving birth in California and getting US citizenship for their newborns, while authorities are cracking down on homes where they stay.

cracking 英英释义



1. the act of cracking something

    Synonym: fracturecrack

2. a sudden sharp noise

    e.g. the crack of a whip
           he heard the cracking of the ice
           he can hear the snap of a twig

    Synonym: cracksnap

3. the process whereby heavy molecules of naphtha or petroleum are broken down into hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight (especially in the oil-refining process)


1. very good

    e.g. he did a bully job
           a neat sports car
           had a great time at the party
           you look simply smashing

    Synonym: bang-upbullycorkingdandygreatgroovykeenneatniftynot bad(p)peachyslap-upswellsmashing

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