
craftsmanship是什么意思 craftsmanship在线翻译 craftsmanship什么意思 craftsmanship的意思 craftsmanship的翻译 craftsmanship的解释 craftsmanship的发音

craftsmanship [ˈkrɑ:ftsmənʃɪp]  [ˈkræftsmənʃɪp] 

craftsmanship 基本解释

名词技术,技艺; 工力

craftsmanship 网络解释

1. craftsmanship的翻译

1. 工艺:效仿敏捷宣言,有人也搞了一个软件工艺(Craftsmanship)宣言. 在标题的下面是一行小字,提高准入门槛(Raising the bar). 我们来看看参加软件工艺北美大会(SCNA)的Speaker名单. 假设这些人都是合格的Professional. 他们都是在什么样的公司呢?

2. 手藝:只是在我看来,翻译更多的是一种门手艺(craftsmanship),勉强算是一种艺术,但绝对不是科学,这个行当有很多技巧(techniques),或曰雕虫小技,上升不到理论(theory)的高度.

3. 工匠精神:瑞士,一直是东方人向往、但又遥不可及的人间净土. 几世纪以来,瑞士人民以工匠精神、人道关怀、务实态度及世界格局塑造出来的. 其中工匠精神(Craftsmanship) 我认为是瑞士立国之本.

4. 技艺:数百年来工艺大师不辞辛苦将技艺(Craftsmanship)教给学徒;家族企业业主将产业智能(Industry Recipe)传给子孙衣钵传人;工人在工作现场互相交换技能与想法这其间都可以追索到「知识管理」实务的轨迹.

craftsmanship 词典解释

1. 手艺;技艺
    Craftsmanship is the skill that someone uses when they make beautiful things with their hands.

    e.g. It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship of Armani.

2. 精工细作
    Craftsmanship is the quality that something has when it is beautiful and has been very carefully made.

    e.g. His canoes are known for their style, fine detail and craftsmanship.

craftsmanship 单语例句

1. Audiences have been wowed by the excellent design and exquisite craftsmanship of ancient times.

2. The man was a carpenter and his wife a tailor, both locally well known for their good craftsmanship.

3. Its quirks and insights are heartfelt but must play to the right audience, where Hoffman's delicate craftsmanship as an actor and director will be appreciated.

4. My ideal is to carry forward the craftsmanship of Grandfather and pass it down.

5. All were attracted by media reports, saying the craftsmanship of ivory carving is facing extinction and that the factory needs apprentices.

6. The craftsmanship handed down from generations in Guo's family has turned into a thriving wood carving industry that helped to enrich the village.

7. His son opened the store and named after his father, to provide people with a chance to cherish the craftsmanship of Chinese goods.

8. Shanxi is also known for numerous classical temple sculptures and murals which display sophisticated craftsmanship and have deep cultural significance.

9. Having received her professional training with some of France's most famous couturiers, her silk creations thus display a perfect combination of European craftsmanship and Asian sensuality.

10. A massive collection of folk arts and craftsmanship has come alive in Beijing in a huge exhibition of China's intangible heritage.


craftsmanship 英英释义



1. skill in an occupation or trade

    Synonym: craftworkmanship

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