
crane是什么意思 crane在线翻译 crane什么意思 crane的意思 crane的翻译 crane的解释 crane的发音 crane的同义词 crane的反义词 crane的例句

crane [kreɪn]  [kren] 


crane 基本解释


名词鹤; 吊车,起重机



crane 相关例句


1. Jane craned her neck to look for her husband in the crowd.

2. crane的意思

2. He craned his neck to get a glimpse of the parade.


1. crane

1. From every window heads were craning for a view of it.


1. They will have to be moved by crane.

2. crane在线翻译

2. They used cranes to lift the containers from the ship.

crane 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 吊车:你想到一架大型吊车(crane),就像建筑工人使用的那种;或是你想到那种像鹳的鸟. 你看着他的脸,选定特征是高额头. 你看着前额,看见许多大鹤(crane)从额飞出来;或者,你可以看见他们攻击高前额!或者整个前额是巨大的吊车.

2. 克兰:宾也聘请了弗兰克.布朗维(Frank Brangwyn)等英国画家来设计彩色玻璃和壁画,展览英国工艺美术运动时期莫里斯、本森(Bensen)、克兰(Crane)和沃塞(Voysey)的优秀作品.

crane 词典解释

1. 起重机;吊车
    A crane is a large machine that moves heavy things by lifting them in the air.


    e.g. The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.

    A crane is a kind of large bird with a long neck and long legs.

3. (为看或听得更清楚)伸长(脖子),探(头)
    If you crane your neck or head, you stretch your neck in a particular direction in order to see or hear something better.

    e.g. She craned her neck to get a better view...
    e.g. Children craned to get close to him...

crane 单语例句


1. The lion drags the crane back towards its cage as the park staff arrives for a rescue of the crane.

2. TV footage showed a crane lifting the rickshaw's carcass to clear the road.

3. A crane moving an oil tank that dropped from a cargo train crashed into the seven people.

4. She combined the action of the white crane into a martial art, creating the distinctive style of Yongchun Bai He Quan.

5. Flocks of cranes flying across the clear cold sky are a common sight, hence another name China's Crane Lake.

6. A container is transported by a gantry crane at a container port in Shanghai.

7. He gave no details of the contract on exporting the giant crane to UAE or other market responses to its gigantic machine.

8. Zhao decided to move the uptight crane couple to a reclusive corner on the zoo's island of cranes to provide them a serene sanctuary.

9. It describes the history of the Yellow Crane Tower and Wuchang town.

10. He has given up his previous occupation as a crane operator to join the local firefighting team - things he never imagined he would do.

crane 英英释义


1. large long-necked wading bird of marshes and plains in many parts of the world

2. lifts and moves heavy objects
    lifting tackle is suspended from a pivoted boom that rotates around a vertical axis


1. stretch (the neck) so as to see better

    e.g. The women craned their necks to see the President drive by

    Synonym: stretch out

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