
creation是什么意思 creation在线翻译 creation什么意思 creation的意思 creation的翻译 creation的解释 creation的发音 creation的同义词

creation [kriˈeɪʃn]  [kriˈeʃən] 


creation 基本解释

名词制造,创造; 创造物,产物; (尤指<圣经>所述由上帝)创造天地,宇宙; (爵位等的)封授


creation 相关例句


1. The whale is the largest mammal in creation.

2. Economic conditions may lie responsible for the creation of social unrest.

creation 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 建立:资料库稽核管理工贝能允许资料库管理者追踪及分析任何资料库的活动,包含资料的建立(creation)、变更(change)以及删除(deletion).

2. 创造物:这是由于存在或不存在特定因素的缘故.人们可以分辨这三种假说;第一种假说在生命和心理之间划出界限,生命和无生命自然属于一类[笛卡尔(Descartes)],而心理则是一种新的和天赐的实体,凭籍这种实体,人类与其余的创造物(creation)得以分开.另一方面,

3. creation

3. 创作:rella) 创作(Creation)十二月十六日 侧柏(Arbor-Vitae) 忍耐(Endure)十二月十七日 线杉(Common Cypress) 持久(Durable)十二月十八日 印度杉(Cedar of Goa) 成熟(Maturity)十二月十九日 冬石南(Winter Heath) 恶女(Wicked Woman)十二月二十日 雨伞花(Umbrella) 正统性(Legitimacy)十二月二十一日 冬石南(Winter Heath) 猜疑心

creation 词典解释

1. (许多宗教中指上帝的)创世,创造天地
    In many religions, creation is the making of the universe, earth, and creatures by God.


    e.g. ...the Creation of the universe as told in Genesis Chapter One...
    e.g. For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirely in our hands.

2. 世界;天地万物;宇宙
    People sometimes refer to the whole universe as creation .

3. 创造物;(尤指)艺术作品,富于想象力的作品
    You can refer to something that someone has made as a creation, especially if it shows skill, imagination, or artistic ability.

    e.g. The bathroom is entirely my own creation...
    e.g. Featured are both his classics and his latest creations...

4. see also: create

creation 单语例句

1. It has also designated the year as a Business Promotion Year and has been active behind the creation of a favourable investment environment.

2. A large ruffle fanned over the bust in this creation strictly for the statuesque.

3. The municipal spokeswoman yesterday announced one new jobs creation measure, allowing ordinary employers to buy into domestic businesses based in the city's Pudong New District.

4. The Oslo process brought about the creation of the Palestinian Authority, headed by Arafat.

5. After 30 days of gestation, the cloned creation was born through caesarean section.

6. EDF's chief economist Daniel J Dudek said the calculator's creation is a breakthrough in pollution emissions tracking.

7. The award aims to increasing public awareness and improve China's capacity in IP creation and management.

8. So it is a kind of " passive creation " in the international capital circulation, and the financial resource allocation efficiency is very low.

9. Their obvious mimicry of the Japanese manga cartoon style precludes the creation of any fresh visual expression and ignores completely China's urban reality.

10. Liao said Chinese companies are still far behind multinational companies in the creation, protection and utilization of intangible assets and urged them to do more to catch up.


creation 英英释义


1. the act of starting something for the first time
    introducing something new

    e.g. she looked forward to her initiation as an adult
           the foundation of a new scientific society

    Synonym: initiationfoundingfoundationinstitutionoriginationinnovationintroductioninstauration

2. the human act of creating

    Synonym: creative activity

3. an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone

4. the event that occurred at the beginning of something

    e.g. from its creation the plan was doomed to failure

    Synonym: conception

5. everything that exists anywhere

    e.g. they study the evolution of the universe
           the biggest tree in existence

    Synonym: universeexistenceworldcosmosmacrocosm

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