
creative是什么意思 creative在线翻译 creative什么意思 creative的意思 creative的翻译 creative的解释 creative的发音 creative的同义词

creative 基本解释


形容词创造性的,有创造力的; 有创意的,创新的,创造的


creative 反义词


creative 网络解释

1. 富创造力的:如:vision)、有独创性的(Ingenious)能力,富创造力的(Creative)创新思想,能够创造成功(Create victory),为企业创造有价值(value)新意的员工,在面试时常会问到:你最近的一次创新活动是什么?

creative 词典解释

1. (尤指在艺术方面)有创造力的,有想象力的
    A creative person has the ability to invent and develop original ideas, especially in the arts.

    e.g. Like so many creative people he was never satisfied.
    e.g. ...her obvious creative talents.

American art reached a peak of creativity in the '50s and 60s.

2. 创造(性)的;创作的
    Creative activities involve the inventing and making of new kinds of things.


    e.g. ...creative writing...
    e.g. ...creative arts...

3. 创新的;富有创意的
    If you use something in a creative way, you use it in a new way that produces interesting and unusual results.

    e.g. ...his creative use of words.

Genet teaches you to think creatively.

4. (尤指广告)创意人员,创作者
    A creative is someone whose job is to be creative, especially someone who creates advertisements.

    e.g. Along with scores of other advertising creatives, he will be taking part in an exhibition at the Saatchi gallery.

creative 单语例句

1. There will be six language courses available, ranging from CEO business level to creative writing for English learners.

2. The creative industry refers to business sectors that rely on individual creativity, skill and talent and creates wealth and jobs.

3. We were impressed by the creative design of the poetic scroll menu, though the Chinglish descriptions of the fusion dishes left us clueless.

4. During a cabinet reshuffle in October 2011, she was appointed to the newly created position of minister of tourism and creative economy.

5. CALCUTTA - a constant change of cultural influx has contributed to the creative panorama that is Calcutta today.

6. New World shopping mall had organized the Creative Kissing Competition for couples to showcase their love on the calendar's most romantic day.

7. " Traveling and painting are effective ways to nurture children's imaginations and activate their creative potential, " says curator Hong Xing.

8. These new products are being snatched up by top restaurants in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, where the Cantonese chefs are finding creative new uses for the cornucopia of mushrooms.

9. This conference will discuss and communicate from three perspectives of intellectual capital, creative industry and innovation model to promote the construction of a world city.

10. Man Ho also serves dim sum as well as creative a la carte.

creative 英英释义



1. promoting construction or creation

    e.g. creative work

2. having the ability or power to create

    e.g. a creative imagination

    Synonym: originative

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