
credible是什么意思 credible在线翻译 credible什么意思 credible的意思 credible的翻译 credible的解释 credible的发音 credible的同义词

credible [ˈkredəbl]  [ˈkrɛdəbəl] 

credible 基本解释

形容词可信的,可靠的; (因看似可能成功而)可接受的

credible 同义词


credible 反义词


credible 相关例句


1. It is hardly credible.

credible 网络解释

1. 可信的:這些電影,都專注於怎樣去述說(narrate)一個有覑一些可信的(credible)、值得你關心(care)的人物,且是有趣和引人入勝的(absorbing)、具戲劇張力的故事. 更重要的,是它們又都展示了一份視野(vision),其中包含覑多項反覆出現的一貫性主題(unity of themes).

2. 可信賴的:怎么让客户觉得放心,去年我们拿到二千多个设计奖,展现我们是可信赖的(credible). 营销部份需要前后一致(consistent). 此外,品牌不能什么都要,你要有牺牲(sacrifice). 这跟整个精实哲学一致,这也是当初要卖笔电的时候,

3. 可靠的:有一些州对见证人加以最低年龄限制,比如14岁或者18岁. 见证人必须是有能力的(competent)和可靠的(credible). 见证人并不需要知道立遗嘱者的遗嘱的内容. 一般来说,见证人的签名应该在遗嘱的末尾并且在立遗嘱者的签名之下.

credible 词典解释

1. 可信的;可靠的
    Credible means able to be trusted or believed.


    e.g. Baroness Thatcher's claims seem credible to many...
    e.g. But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.

Ministers can equally credibly claim that the opposition is to blame.

2. (候选人、政策、体系等)有望成功的
    A credible candidate, policy, or system, for example, is one that appears to have a chance of being successful.

    e.g. Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate...
    e.g. The challenge before the opposition is to offer credible alternative policies for the future.

He was the only figure who could credibly run the country.

credible 单语例句


1. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said it was time for the Security Council to act if the world body wished to remain credible.

2. Analysts say that although Schwarzenegger has never held public office, he has the charisma and personal funds to make a credible run.

3. But they have yet to produce a credible master plan to address the core issues of competitiveness that have been troubling economists for several years.

4. But American officials have demanded that Tehran " confess " to such past attempts to make their cooperation with the IAEA probe credible.

5. A human resource consultant who declined to be identified said the program was not credible.

6. That is why supporting the euro requires forceful and credible crisis containment - whatever it takes.

7. " It doesn't seem logical nor credible, " he said.

8. Geithner warned the lawmakers that their failure to enact reforms in a timely and credible manner will be damaging to future US economic growth.

9. Attempts to shore up the banks through " stress tests " that lack credible recapitalization facilities and resolution mechanisms have undermined confidence in sovereign debt.

10. But few see any possibility of a credible election challenge to Putin, who has a rating of 70 percent or more in opinion polls.

credible 英英释义



1. appearing to merit belief or acceptance

    e.g. a credible witness

2. capable of being believed

    e.g. completely credible testimony
           credible information

    Synonym: believable

3. (a common but incorrect usage where `credulous' would be appropriate) credulous

    e.g. she was not the...credible fool he expected

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