
crest是什么意思 crest在线翻译 crest什么意思 crest的意思 crest的翻译 crest的解释 crest的发音 crest的同义词 crest的反义词 crest的例句

crest [krest]  [krɛst] 


crest 基本解释

名词山顶; 羽毛饰; 鸡冠; (动物的)颈脊

及物动词加上顶饰; 到达…的顶部; 形成冠毛状顶部; 到达顶部

不及物动词到达绝顶; 形成浪峰; 达到顶点

crest 相关例句


1. The stately mansion crested the hill.

2. A temple crested the hill.


1. The river will crest in two hours.

2. The old man stood with his back to the fire, cresting up erect.


1. He reached the crest of the hill before dawn.

2. His crest falls.

crest 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 波峰:波的最高点叫做波峰(crest),而最低点叫做波谷(trough),两个连续的(consecutive)的波峰和波谷之间的距离叫做波长wavelength. 一个完整的振动波长叫做周期,周期一般用时间来表示. 一秒内完成的周期数叫做频率frequency. 频率由Hz来衡量.

2. 峰:一个褶皱中的最高点不一定就是它的轴脊或轴线,褶皱中的最高点名叫褶峰(crest)其最低点名叫褶谷(trough),见图16. 岩层经过褶皱以后,可以向上凸出,也可以向下凹下,於是我们可以把褶皱分成两大类. 一种名为背斜层(anticline),

3. crest的翻译

3. 嵴:表膜是由许多螺旋状的条纹联结而成,每一个表膜条纹的一边有向内的沟(groove),另一边有向外的嵴(crest). 一个条纹的沟与其邻接条纹的嵴相关联(似关节). 眼虫生活时,表膜条纹彼此相对移动,可能是由于嵴在沟中滑动的结果.

crest 词典解释

1. 山顶;波峰;浪尖
    The crest of a hill or a wave is the top of it.

2. 到达山顶
    When someone crests a hill, they reach the top of it.

    e.g. The first wave of marchers crested the hill.

3. 鸟冠;羽冠
    A bird's crest is a group of upright feathers on the top of its head.

    e.g. Both birds had a dark blue crest.

4. (贵族家庭、城镇或组织的)饰章,纹章
    A crest is a design that is the symbol of a noble family, a town, or an organization.


    e.g. On the wall is the family crest.

crest 单语例句

1. The crest is currently in the Jingjiang section of the Yangtze River.

2. Paleontologists had long wondered whether the crest belonged to males or females and whether its primary purpose was for fighting or attracting a mate.

3. He was scheduled to return to classes at Pine Crest School on Tuesday, after he and his parents meet with officials there to discuss his absences.

4. We crest a rise and stop again, this time for our first close look at the granite towers of Paine.

5. The province is still on flood alert as the third flood crest passed through the Wangjiaba section of the Huaihe River on Tuesday.

6. The research team said the crest was about as thin as a tortilla and only two and a half inches high.

7. Spillway The Three Gorges Project is designed with a concrete gravity dam with a crest elevation of 185 meters and maximum height of 175 meters.

8. It went crazy for me and it was an amazing time - I was riding the crest of a wave and I couldn't drop it.

9. The red seal features a white abstract figure of a rooster with an shining blue crest.

10. The flood crest on the Weihe River passed through Weinan city in northwest China's Shaanxi province on Wednesday morning and converged into the Yellow River.

crest 英英释义


1. a showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal

2. (heraldry) in medieval times, an emblem used to decorate a helmet

3. the center of a cambered road

    Synonym: crown

4. the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave

5. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)

    e.g. the view from the peak was magnificent
           they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
           the region is a few molecules wide at the summit

    Synonym: peakcrowntoptipsummit


1. reach a high point

    e.g. The river crested last night

2. lie at the top of

    e.g. Snow capped the mountains

    Synonym: cap

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