
cripple是什么意思 cripple在线翻译 cripple什么意思 cripple的意思 cripple的翻译 cripple的解释 cripple的发音 cripple的同义词 cripple的反义词

cripple [ˈkrɪpl]  [ˈkrɪpəl] 


cripple 基本解释

及物动词使跛; 受伤致残; 严重削弱; 使陷于瘫痪

名词跛子,瘸子; 瘫子,残疾; <美方>杂木丛生的沼地; 脚蹬

cripple 相关例句


1. The accident crippled him for life.

2. The traffic was entirely crippled for the day.

3. The ship was crippled in the storm.

4. cripple的近义词

4. She was crippled in the car accident.


1. My father was a cripple, my mother in poor health.

cripple 网络解释

1. 残废:如果能与其它的魔法,如UD的残废(Cripple)或是Human的减速(Slow)等等配合的话,敌人会被整得几乎挪不了步子的. 那麼,树妖害怕什麼呢?我个人感觉是火枪手--我曾经跟另一个人说,火枪手足够让一个爆树妖的选手头疼爆天的. 因此,

2. cripple是什么意思

2. 削弱:可以增加经验 14.其中有会用召唤的怪,请优先杀之或睡之;也可以用净化或解除魔法来消除召唤怪 15.其中有会放削弱(Cripple)的怪,请优先杀之或睡之 16.其中有会放妖火的怪,请优先杀之或睡之(不要怀疑,妖火很可怕,被放的很容易死,

3. 使受伤致残, 严重损坏或削弱, 使陷于瘫痪:crackdown 取缔、制裁、镇压 | cripple 使受伤致残, 严重损坏或削弱, 使陷于瘫痪 | cyberterrorism 网络恐怖主义

4. cripple的解释

4. 使瘫痪,削弱:2. vandalism 破坏,故意破坏文化,艺术的行为 | 3. cripple 使瘫痪,削弱 | 4. fence 贼市,脏品买卖处

cripple 词典解释

1. 瘸子;残疾人
    A person with a physical disability or a serious permanent injury is sometimes referred to as a cripple .

    e.g. She has gone from being a healthy, fit, and sporty young woman to being a cripple.

2. 使残疾;使成为跛子
    If someone is crippled by an injury, it is so serious that they can never move their body properly again.


    e.g. Mr Easton was seriously crippled in an accident and had to leave his job...
    e.g. He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life...

3. (心理上或情感上)有缺陷的人
    If you describe someone as an emotional cripple, you mean that they have a particular psychological or emotional problem which prevents them from living a normal life.


4. 使(心理上或情感上)出现问题
    If something cripples a person, it causes them severe psychological or emotional problems.


    e.g. Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but stage fright crippled him...
    e.g. I'm not perfect but I'm also not emotionally crippled or lonely.

5. 严重毁坏(机器);破坏(组织、体系)
    To cripple a machine, organization, or system means to damage it severely or prevent it from working properly.

    e.g. Let's try to cripple their communications...
    e.g. A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country's economy...

cripple 单语例句

1. Disparities in education cripple the capacity of education to make opportunities equal, to level the playing fields of life and career.

2. Diabetes could cripple the budgets of Asian nations, particularly in developing nations.

3. Many minorities groups have chosen to flee - threatening to cripple communities whose roots stretch back thousands of years.

4. Industry insiders also worry that the provisions will cripple record companies'willingness to invest in music record promotion.

5. Computer hackers are able to steal websites'file directories by penetrating the website's internal server and tampering with it to cripple the website.

6. It aims to cripple Hamas so the movement sworn to its destruction does not fill a power vacuum.

7. Such discrepancies might even seem insignificant, but could potentially cripple the credibility of your leaders and management.

8. Militants have singled out Westerners holding important positions in the oil industry in a bid to cripple the economy.

9. A race can last just minutes because even the slightest contact can cripple the car.

10. But with White Rabbit's 45 percent milk content, analysts believe the crisis could cripple the brand.

cripple 英英释义



1. someone who is unable to walk normally because of an injury or disability to the legs or back


1. deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg

    e.g. The accident has crippled her for life

    Synonym: lame

2. deprive of strength or efficiency
    make useless or worthless

    e.g. This measure crippled our efforts
           Their behavior stultified the boss's hard work

    Synonym: stultify

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