
crucial是什么意思 crucial在线翻译 crucial什么意思 crucial的意思 crucial的翻译 crucial的解释 crucial的发音 crucial的同义词 crucial的反义词

crucial [ˈkru:ʃl]  [ˈkruʃəl] 

比较级:more crucial最高级:most crucial

crucial 基本解释

形容词决定性的; 关键性的,极其显要的; 十字形的

crucial 相关例句


1. crucial的翻译

1. These negotiations are crucial to the future of our firm.

crucial 网络解释

1. 决定性的:布伦塔诺认为实验法有两种类型:决定性的(crucial)和系统性的(systematic)实验,他所提倡的实验法是前者,冯特所使用的实验法是后者. 布伦塔诺认为,决定性实验依附于思辨,有助于决定两种对立的概念. 心理学家要尝试建立心理学的体系,

2. 决定性的,重要的:5.authentic 1.真的 2.可靠的,可信的(00-12) | 6.crucial 决定性的,重要的(99-12) | 7.imperative 非常必要的,必须服从的(00-12)

3. 至关紧要的:cruces 要点 | crucial 至关紧要的 | crucian 欧洲鲫鱼

4. 至关重要的:crown 王冠,冕;花冠 | crucial 至关重要的 | cruel 残忍的,残酷的

crucial 词典解释

1. 至关重要的;关键性的
    If you describe something as crucial, you mean it is extremely important.

    e.g. He had administrators under him but took the crucial decisions himself...
    e.g. ...the most crucial election campaign for years...

Chewing properly is crucially important...
Crucially, though, it failed to secure the backing of the banks.

crucial 单语例句

1. Oil supply tensions loom large in the countryside at the crucial spring ploughing time and the upcoming busy summer farming season.

2. But by no means should it be an excuse to prevent or put off reforms crucial to the country's balanced and sustainable development.

3. Almost as soon as he declared his candidacy, he won the crucial backing of the finance minister who withdrew his own bid.

4. " Economic capacity is one crucial factor about whether people want a second child, " says Ma Xiaohong from the Institute of Population in Beijing.

5. Xu added that private capital is of crucial importance to the development of China's circulation and distribution market and should be welcomed.

6. Population, capital and productivity are the three crucial factors related to economic growth.

7. Car body quality is the basis for everything just as a concrete foundation is crucial to a building.

8. Rare earths are crucial in advanced manufacturing such as computer disk drives, mobile phones and hybrid car components.

9. The sales contracts are crucial to providing continuing cash flow for the Guangdong LNG project.

10. Environmentalists have also cast doubt on the independence of crucial ecological assessments.

crucial 英英释义


1. of extreme importance
    vital to the resolution of a crisis

    e.g. a crucial moment in his career
           a crucial election
           a crucial issue for women

    Synonym: important

2. of the greatest importance

    e.g. the all-important subject of disarmament
           crucial information
           in chess cool nerves are of the essence

    Synonym: all-important(a)all important(p)essentialof the essence(p)

3. having crucial relevance

    e.g. crucial to the case
           relevant testimony

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