
curly是什么意思 curly在线翻译 curly什么意思 curly的意思 curly的翻译 curly的解释 curly的发音 curly的同义词 curly的反义词 curly的例句

curly [ˈkɜ:li]  [ˈkɜ:rli] 


curly 基本解释

形容词有卷发的,长卷毛的; (木材)有皱状纹理的; 蜷缩的; (植物)有卷叶病的

curly 情景对话


A:I’ve got good news for you!

B:Yes, what is it?


A:I’m going to set you up on a blind date!

B:Oh, I don’t know about that. Blind dates can be awful.

A:Have you ever been on one?


A:Well, then, why don’t you just give it a try?


B:Ok, what does she look like?

A:Well, she’s got a lovely figure.


B:Is she overweight?

A:No, she’s actually quite slim. She has curly brown hair and green eyes..

B:What did you tell her about me?

A:I told her that you were tall and well-built.

B:Did you tell her that I’m bald?

A:No, but she won’t care. Some women find bald men attractive, you know.

B:Hmm, she sounds alright.


A:Just one thing. When you meet her, I think you should try to look a little less scruffy. Maybe you could shave your beard and put on a nice suit.

B:No, I think I’ll go looking like myself. If she doesn’t like who I am, then she’s not the right woman for me!

A:Suit yourself! Here’s her number.

curly 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 卷曲发:避免: 卷曲发(Curly)发型 ,因为这些都会更强调圆型与丰厚饱满. 避免长发而头发方向往后的发型. 眉上的整齐浏海,同时也会因为强调...人气解读:整个美发界中,柔美的中长卷发将继续成为散发独特魅力的主流发型,只是更多的个性化元素将被注入,线条、块面、空间感等理念...

2. 捲曲:长发高层次,在下巴( Chin )以下的发长烫成卷曲(Curly)或微卷(Wavy bouncy). 发型设计应当着重於缩小额宽,并增加脸下部的宽度. 具体来说,头发长度以中长或垂肩长发为宜,发型适合中分浏海或稍侧分浏海.

3. curly的意思

3. 很鬈:波浪:wave | 很鬈:curly | 旁分:side parting

curly 词典解释

1. (头发)卷曲的,鬈曲的
    Curly hair is full of curls.


    e.g. I've got naturally curly hair...
    e.g. Her hair was dark and curly.

2. 弧形的;螺旋形的
    Curly is sometimes used to describe things that are curved or spiral in shape.

    e.g. ...cauliflowers with extra long curly leaves.
    e.g. ...dragons with curly tails.

curly 单语例句

1. The tall musician crowned with long curly hair taps his feet, closes his eyes and swings while playing.

2. A woman who had a follicle transplant in a bid to grow long, curly eyelashes has requested a refund after just one eyelash grew in eight months.

3. This is the safest way for very curly hair to go straight, as it smoothes hair without the need for too much heat or damaging chemicals.

4. Thermal reconditioning is better for wavy hair rather than kinky or curly hair, which will show a curly root too quickly.

5. I was never promoted, partly because of my naturally curly hair - my boss thought I wore a perm.

6. My own hair is naturally very black and curly, but I've totally trashed it.

7. The face is finely modeled with curly beard, mustache and brows.

8. For years, they were a bigger punching bag than Curly and Larry.

9. He had curly dark hair and a sweet face, round and smooth.

10. The school brought in the barber to deal with students who had long, curly or dyed hair.

curly 英英释义


1. (of hair) having curls or waves

    e.g. they envied her naturally curly hair

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