
curry是什么意思 curry在线翻译 curry什么意思 curry的意思 curry的翻译 curry的解释 curry的发音 curry的同义词 curry的反义词 curry的例句

curry [ˈkʌri]  [ˈkɜ:ri] 


curry 基本解释

名词咖喱食品; 梳刷(马匹)

及物动词在…中加咖喱; 用马栉梳(马毛等)

curry 相关例句


1. curry

1. I like hot curries.

curry 网络解释

1. 咖哩:一般的意大利面(Pasta)配有奶油(Cream)、蕃茄(Tomato)、咖哩(Curry)的酱汁,任君选择. 除此之外,正式的主菜如香菜蒜油烤母鸡、串烤粉红胡椒子(Pink Peppercoms)嫩腰肉均是首选. 餐后别忘了点上一客提拉米苏(Tiramisu)与一杯卡布其诺(Capuccino)才是〝有头有尾〞的意式风味餐

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 咖喱食品:傍晚6点半到晚上8点(from half past six to eight o'clock)是晚餐时间. 典型的英式晚餐由肉和两种蔬菜组成. 土豆(potato)是其中必不可少的一种蔬菜. 但是现在,大部分英国人爱吃咖喱食品(curry). 米饭(rice)和意大利面食也经常出现在英国人的晚餐桌上.

3. 咖喱粉:咖喱粉(Curry) 咖喱粉(Curry) 咖喱粉是由多种香辛料混合调制成的复合 调味品.制作方法最早源于印度,以后逐 渐传入欧洲,目前已在世界范围内普及, 但仍以印度及东南亚国家的为佳.

curry 词典解释

1. 咖喱菜(印度主要菜肴,常与米饭一起食用)
    Curry is a dish composed of meat and vegetables, or just vegetables, in a sauce containing hot spices. It is usually eaten with rice and is one of the main dishes of India.

    e.g. ...vegetable curry...
    e.g. I went for a curry last night.

2. 讨好;奉承;拍…的马屁
    If one person tries to curry favour with another, they do things in order to try to gain their support or co-operation.

    e.g. Politicians are eager to promote their 'happy family' image to curry favour with voters.

curry 单语例句

1. NBA clubs previously dictated their own cardiac prevention programs but a standard program was sought to prevent situations like Curry's condition from recurring.

2. While the bread was soft and chewy, the chicken curry was quite boring.

3. Add a little more oil and the curry, chill and turmeric powders.

4. Marilyn Curry watched the buildings collapse from her law firm across the street, then ran to a city park where people frantically searched for friends.

5. Union official Michael Curry said players had the right to confront attackers and defend themselves and teammates from invaders onto the court.

6. Don't eat beforehand as curry, coriander or even a coffee can throw your olfactory senses.

7. Unlike Shanghainese who like to steam the crab to keep its original taste, the curry crab seemingly put more focus on the curry taste.

8. Grill Room of Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai is presenting a special crayfish set, cooked in unique style and served with garlic or Thai curry.

9. The mild mushroom curry was absolutely gorgeous with fresh, juicy mushrooms bathed in a creamy tomato sauce.

10. Fans of Vietnamese and Thai cuisine will rejoice at being able to order both green curry and pho at this homey neighborhood restaurant.

curry 英英释义


1. (East Indian cookery) a pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice



1. give a neat appearance to

    e.g. groom the dogs
           dress the horses

    Synonym: dressgroom

2. treat by incorporating fat

    e.g. curry tanned leather

3. season with a mixture of spices
    typical of Indian cooking

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