
custom是什么意思 custom在线翻译 custom什么意思 custom的意思 custom的翻译 custom的解释 custom的发音 custom的同义词 custom的反义词 custom的例句

custom [ˈkʌstəm]  [ˈkʌstəm] 


custom 基本解释

名词习惯,惯例; 海关,关税; 经常光顾; [总称](经常性的)顾客


custom 相关例句


1. custom的近义词

1. The celebration of Christmas is a custom.

2. Did you have any trouble with the Customs?

3. At the airport; the customs officers searched his case.

4. custom的意思

4. His custom was to get up early and have a cold bath.

custom 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 常规:个高级的编程环境(Visual Basic for Application)和对自动化的支持(以前的OLE自动化).数据Access对象(DAO)和ODBC Direct . DAO是一个开发者可用来建立数据获取方案的常规(custom)环境.

2. custom

2. 海关:(空柜还场也叫返空柜的话要交纳返空费,船公司(company)不同费用不同)7、报关:拖车一过闸, 海关(Custom) 的系统上有显示过闸,就可以开始报关了. 快的话半天就可以报出来,慢的话要等上一天. 如果运气不好碰到查柜,货没问题查的快点,

custom 词典解释

1. 风俗;习俗
    A custom is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances.


    e.g. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries...
    e.g. Chung has tried to adapt to local customs.

2. 个人习惯;习性;惯常行为
    If it is your custom to do something, you usually do it in particular circumstances.

    e.g. It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously...
    e.g. As is the custom, police forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.

3. 光顾;惠顾
    If a shop has your custom, you regularly buy things there.

    e.g. You have the right to withhold your custom if you so wish...
    e.g. Providing discounts is not the only way to win custom.

4. 定做的;量身设计的
    If you use custom to describe something such as a vehicle or a piece of clothing, you mean that it has been designed for one particular customer.

    e.g. Her one-of-a-kind custom garments are priced from one hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars.

5. see also: customs

custom 单语例句

1. It was Jarvis who originated the custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day because carnation was her mother's favorite flower.

2. According to Zhushan custom, the bride's brother is to carry the bride on his back when leaving home.

3. They do not cling to a custom or a tradition or even a religion just because it has always been that way.

4. The folk custom commercial hub officially reopened to the public on Sunday.

5. The custom of porridge eating has been well known throughout history, from the royal court to common people.

6. The problem of being not good at innovation reflects the Chinese custom and competence, which are rooted in China's complicated historical and cultural background.

7. Many of them are women who live in Guangdong and Guangxi and are consequently much more familiar with local custom and market demand.

8. They got along so well that the couple adopted her as an adult child, in accordance with Chinese custom.

9. China maintains that the border is where the continental shelf ends, as is the international custom.

10. Roosevelt would custom interpret into foreign policy in a cookie cutter way.

custom 英英释义


1. accepted or habitual practice

    Synonym: usageusance

2. habitual patronage

    e.g. I have given this tailor my custom for many years

3. a specific practice of long standing

    Synonym: tradition

4. money collected under a tariff

    Synonym: customscustoms dutyimpost


1. made according to the specifications of an individual

    Synonym: custom-made

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