
cut off是什么意思 cut off在线翻译 cut off什么意思 cut off的意思 cut off的翻译 cut off的解释 cut off的发音 cut off的同义词 cut off的反义词

cut off [kʌt ɔf]  [kʌt ɔf] 

cut off 基本解释

及物动词切除; 切[隔]断; 剪[切, 砍]下; 迅速离开; (疾病等)使(人)死亡


cut off 相关例句


1. He was cut off in his prime.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. He had a finger cut off by a machine while working.

3. cut off什么意思

3. I was cut off on my line to London.

cut off 网络解释

1. cut off的意思

1. 切断:成果似乎较台湾一等一级水准网佳,然细究其自我相关函数与lag数之间的关系,两者之间并未全然按理论所述,随著时差之增加而渐渐消失(die out)或在某一特殊时差k=q之后切断(Cut off),似乎仍有某些因素存在影响著测段闭合差,

2. cut off的意思

2. 截止:1.截止(cut off)状态:如图5所示,当三极管之基极不加偏压或加上反向偏压使BE极截止时(BE极之特性和二极管相同,须加上大于0.7V之正向偏压时才态导通),基极电流IB=0,因为IC=βIB,所以IC=IE=0,此时CE极之间相当于断路,负载无电流.

3. 截断:一般黑体辐射的空腔是他允许各种波长的电磁波在空腔内形成驻波.但是若这空腔的尺寸大小变的很小的时候,不可能再允许各种波长的电磁波,只能允许部分特定波长的电磁波在金属空腔内形成驻波.而且波长大於1/2空腔长度的电磁波,都会被截断(cut off)而不允许.这种现象,

4. 临界值:临界值(CUT OFF)计算:临界值=阴性对照孔平均值+0.15阴性判定:样品OD值< 临界值(CUT OFF)者为牛狂犬病毒抗体阴性阳性判定:样品OD值≥ 临界值(CUT OFF)者为牛狂犬病毒抗体阳性

cut off 词典解释


cut off 单语例句

1. Bremer said a separate act of sabotage at the weekend had cut off part of the Kirkuk oilfields from the pipeline.

2. A nearby agriculture office crowded with farmers who had come to buy fertilizer was also completely destroyed and power to the area was cut off.

3. Though water supplies were not cut off, it prompted panic buying of bottled water.

4. Li asked Su to cut off one of his fingers to prove he was sincere about buying a gun.

5. Following procedure for when an emergency call is cut off, dispatchers called the number back.

6. We actively cooperate with the other forum member economies in elaborating joint steps to cut off financial channels feeding terrorists and to counter corruption.

7. First, we must cut off the profit chain between publishers and education bodies.

8. It is important to cut off the interest chain behind porn websites and remove the roots of porn content.

9. Macau's Banco Delta Asia said Monday it had filed a legal challenge to Washington's decision to cut it off from the US financial system.

10. That failed to change his fortunes and even a medical timeout to have tape cut off his ankles offered him little respite.

cut off 英英释义


1. cease, stop

    e.g. cut the noise
           We had to cut short the conversation

    Synonym: cut

2. make a break in

    e.g. We interrupt the program for the following messages

    Synonym: interruptdisruptbreak up

3. remove surgically

    e.g. amputate limbs

    Synonym: amputate

4. break a small piece off from

    e.g. chip the glass
           chip a tooth

    Synonym: chipknapbreak off

5. remove by or as if by cutting

    e.g. cut off the ear
           lop off the dead branch

    Synonym: chop offlop off

6. cut off and stop

    e.g. The bicyclist was cut out by the van

    Synonym: cut out


1. detached by cutting

    e.g. cut flowers
           a severed head
           an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm

    Synonym: severed

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