
dainty是什么意思 dainty在线翻译 dainty什么意思 dainty的意思 dainty的翻译 dainty的解释 dainty的发音 dainty的同义词 dainty的反义词 dainty的例句

dainty [ˈdeɪnti]  [ˈdenti] 


dainty 基本解释



dainty 相关例句


1. Our kitten is a dainty eater.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The dainty lass is his sister.

3. dainty的反义词

3. She is dainty about her eating.

4. The baby's bonnet had dainty embroidery.


1. They provided their guests dainties.

dainty 网络解释

1. dainty是什么意思

1. 丹堤:在一些美容或女性网站上看到丹堤(Dainty)的资讯,也多半是在拍卖类产品找到. 但却有不少网友相当称赞它的面膜,最不可置信的是,那面膜一片只要50元~ 为此,我们特别走了一趟晶华城三楼,瞧瞧他到底是何方神圣.

2. 可口食物:daintiness 优美 | dainty 可口食物 | Daiquiri 鸡尾酒

3. dainty的解释

3. 高雅的:daily 每日的 | dainty 高雅的 | dairy 酪农业

4. 精美食品,adj. 娇美的,挑剔的:dampen 使潮湿 | dainty 精美食品,adj. 娇美的,挑剔的 | dandy 花花公子,好打扮的人

dainty 词典解释

1. (动作)文雅的;(人)娇小的,秀丽的;(物)小巧的,精致的
    If you describe a movement, person, or object as dainty, you mean that they are small, delicate, and pretty.

    e.g. The girls were dainty and feminine.
    e.g. ...dainty pink flowers.

She walked daintily down the steps.

dainty 单语例句

1. What at first seem like frustratingly dainty morsels of food quickly turn into a meal capable of leaving you more than satisfied.

2. And what at first seems like frustratingly dainty morsels of food, quickly turns into a meal capable of leaving you more than satisfied.

3. With the upcoming annual Dragon Boat Festival, over 20 foreigners are heading to Jiaxing County in Zhejiang province to taste dainty Zongzi.

4. It starts its dancing routine whenever the radio is on - a dainty pirouette accompanied by flapping wings.

5. As roads can be slippery when wet, people tend to have a dainty gait.

6. My mom began to peruse a collection of dainty ceramic dessert spoons.

7. Most women here are petite and dainty, so choosing a wedding dress with a proper hipline is essential.

8. Unlike the grand Big Wild Goose Pagoda, it is dainty and exquisite in its appearance.

9. The reason why many Western men date Chinese girls is because they are slim and dainty and they find them attractive.

10. Such a dainty dish will surely be ruined by a heavier red or white.


dainty 英英释义



1. something considered choice to eat

    Synonym: delicacygoodykickshawtreat



1. delicately beautiful

    e.g. a dainty teacup
           an exquisite cameo

    Synonym: exquisite

2. excessively fastidious and easily disgusted

    e.g. too nice about his food to take to camp cooking
           so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow

    Synonym: niceoverniceprissysqueamish

3. affectedly dainty or refined

    Synonym: mincingniminy-piminyprimtwee

4. especially pleasing to the taste

    e.g. a dainty dish to set before a kind

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