
damp是什么意思 damp在线翻译 damp什么意思 damp的意思 damp的翻译 damp的解释 damp的发音 damp的同义词 damp的反义词 damp的例句 damp的相关词组

damp [dæmp]  [dæmp] 


damp 基本解释

形容词微湿的,潮湿的; 消沉的,沮丧的; 沉闷的; 情绪低落的

名词潮湿; 消沉,失望; 矿井瓦斯; 有毒气体

及物动词使潮湿; 使泄气,使沮丧; 抑制,阻抑; 使减弱

不及物动词[物]阻尼; 减幅

damp 同义词




damp 反义词



damp 相关词组

1. damp off : 腐败, 枯萎;

damp 相关例句


1. Please damp the fire down before you go to bed.

2. His clothes was damped in the rain.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The setback did not damp his zest.


1. Their mother's illness cast a damp over the Christmas holidays.

2. There's still damp in these clothes.

damp 网络解释

1. 阻尼:是驱动力矩(moment)太小,还是片架移动阻尼(damp)太大?我们分析问题从简单入手,考虑到驱动电路的参数一般不会随意变化,而片架的机械运动系统可能随时间变化而磨损变化,所以着重检查了片架的导轨和轴承,发现其中有个轴承因磨损较大,

2. 湿:把头发从潮湿(wet)吹到微湿(damp)其实一点也没坏处,但是从微湿吹到干(dry)会造成伤害,尤其是温度很高或者距离吹风机很近. 所以如果可以的话,只要吹到微微湿润就可以了,剩下的让它自然晾干.

3. 阻尼系数和固有频率:Ctrb 可控性矩阵 | Damp 阻尼系数和固有频率 | Dcgain 连续稳态(直流)增益

damp 词典解释

1. 潮湿的;微湿的;湿气重的
    Something that is damp is slightly wet.

    e.g. Her hair was still damp...
    e.g. ...the damp, cold air...

2. (内墙面上、空气中等处的)湿气,潮气
    Damp is moisture that is found on the inside walls of a house or in the air.


    e.g. There was damp everywhere and the entire building was in need of rewiring.

3. 使潮湿;弄湿
    If you damp something, you make it slightly wet.

    e.g. Hillsden damped a hand towel and laid it across her forehead.

相关词组:damp down

damp 单语例句

1. The couple have chosen the site where their home once stood because ceramic tiles still cover the ground and prevent the tent from becoming damp.

2. " The cool damp weather overnight kept fire activity to a minimum, " the environment department said of the Churchill fire.

3. Immediately he was blindfolded and then carried out of the dark and damp deathtrap - a flooded coalmine.

4. Those living in Hangzhou are desperate to escape the cold, damp winter.

5. When the area was warm and relaxed, deep persistent techniques were applied to specific points to dredge cold and damp.

6. Valleys are warm and dry, while the middle mountain slopes are cold and damp.

7. Her father took a concubine who locked Chang in a dark, damp room.

8. The Shanghai index has fallen 22 percent this year on concern measures to control real - estate speculation and rising consumer prices will damp earnings.

9. Cover with a damp cloth and let it rest for an hour.

10. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside while you prep the vegetables.

damp 英英释义


1. a slight wetness

    Synonym: dampnessmoistness



1. lessen in force or effect

    e.g. soften a shock
           break a fall

    Synonym: dampensoftenweakenbreak

2. make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible

    e.g. muffle the message

    Synonym: dampendeaden

3. restrain or discourage

    e.g. the sudden bad news damped the joyous atmosphere

4. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

    Synonym: mufflemutedulldampentone down


1. slightly wet

    e.g. clothes damp with perspiration
           a moist breeze
           eyes moist with tears

    Synonym: dampishmoist

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