
dangles是什么意思 dangles在线翻译 dangles什么意思 dangles的意思 dangles的翻译 dangles的解释 dangles的发音 dangles的同义词 dangles的反义词



dangles 基本解释

悬吊着( dangle的第三人称单数 );摆动不定;用某事物诱惑…;吊胃口;

dangles 网络解释

1. 缠绕沈子纲之铁链:dandy; dandy bridle 引扬桁索 | dangles 缠绕沈子纲之铁链 | danish seine 旋回式曳网

2. 纏繞沈子綱之鐵鍊:dangerous goods report 危險品報告 | dangles 纏繞沈子綱之鐵鍊 | danish seine 旋迴式曳網

dangles 双语例句

1. Crippled arm= Graphically: Enemy arm becomes limp and dangles at its side/ on the ground.

2. dangles

2. And this is Armando Iglesia, who was discovered at the previous free clinic. The huge tumor that dangles behind his arm is soon to be removed. He has been waiting for this day for more than 20 years.

3. dangles

3. A swarm of honeybees absconds from the hive and then dangles in a cluster from a tree branch.

4. She`s not into underwear but used to get high, dangles earrings from her belly-button and sports a tatoo on her thigh.

5. But it dangles still, and UMNO knows it.

6. He dangles that beautiful fruit called marriage before your eyes and wont let you have it.

7. Besides these clip on hoops, you can get studs, dangles, and drop earrings.

8. Its tongue is thick and round and dangles from between crooked, yellow teeth.

9. Some may even contain gems, dangles and other crystals.

10. dangles的近义词

10. A purple-blue lab-created ceylon briolette, set with a diamond-accented white gold cap, dangles below an additional petite prong-set diamond accent.

11. She's not into underwear but used to get HIGH, dangles earrings from her belly-button and sports a tatoo on her THIGH.

12. She`s not into underwear but used to get HIGH, dangles earrings from her belly-button and sports a tatoo on her THIGH.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. I think — no, I'm positive — this is the first movie I've seen where the hero dangles above a chasm lined with razor-sharp peanut brittle while holding onto a red licorice rope held by his girlfriend, who has a peanut allergy, so that when she gets cut by some brittle and goes into anaphylactic shock and her body swells up, she refuses to let go, and so the hero bites through the licorice to save her.

14. In some instances, it dangles freely above the ground; in others, it merely rests lightly on the foundations or second floor.

15. He contorts out of the hole and dangles into the shaft.

16. The discovery is the first clear link between the evolution of immune systems and social behavior, and it dangles a new hope for bioprospectors on the trail of the next generation of antibiotics.

17. dangles

17. Jack Crawford dangles you in front of me.

18. The spider dangles from her web.

19. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he climbs to the top of his cage, crawls across a partition, and dangles from the top to the lion's cage.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. Don't wear anything that dangles.

dangles 单语例句


1. It dangles the " American dream ", inspiring people of different races and ethnicity to emigrate to it.

2. For good measure, a pendant of a hot pepper dangles from the front.

3. The game maker Zynga dangles free haircuts and iPads to recruits, who are also told that they can bring their dogs to work.

4. Tiffany Tan takes to the floor and dangles from a pole to get the inside story.

5. Artist Jun Ahn has a head for heights and an eye for breathtaking shots as she dangles her feet from a New York skyscraper.

6. A French stuntman Terry Do dangles from the torch of the Statue of Liberty, in New York on August 23.

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