
daytime是什么意思 daytime在线翻译 daytime什么意思 daytime的意思 daytime的翻译 daytime的解释 daytime的发音 daytime的同义词 daytime的反义词

daytime [ˈdeɪtaɪm]  [ˈdeˌtaɪm] 

daytime 基本解释

名词昼; 白天,日间; 昼日


daytime 反义词


daytime 相关例句


1. Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night.

2. In the daytime, we go to school, but in the evenings we play.

daytime 网络解释

1. 白天:冒险模式 Adventure 白天(Daytime): * 这些级别比较直接,在每一条道造一些豆枪(peashooter). * 造坚果墙凯洛诗空间模块,但是在那之后他们将是无用的. * 基本上这部分需要把豆枪(peashooter)和中继器(repeater)替换成白菜炮(Cabbage-Pults)和核籽炮(Kernel-Pults).

2. daytime的解释

2. 日间:图26-12中的选项协商由客户进程初始化的,但是在本书中我们已经介绍了用Telnet客户进程连接某些标准服务器进程如:日间(daytime)服务器、回显(echo)服务器等情况.

3. 给请求主机发送日期和时间:11 systat 用于列举连接了的端口的系统状态 | 13 daytime 给请求主机发送日期和时间 | 17 qotd 给连接了的主机发送每日格言

4. 返回日期和时间:11 USERS 活跃的用户 | 13 DAYTIME 返回日期和时间 | 53 NAMESERVER 域名服务

5. daytime:daytimeprotocol; 日期查询协议

6. daytime:(daytime protocol 日期查询协议〖因特网〗

daytime 词典解释

1. 白天;日间
    The daytime is the part of a day between the time when it gets light and the time when it gets dark.

    e.g. In the daytime he stayed up in his room, sleeping, or listening to music...
    e.g. Please give a daytime telephone number...

2. (电视或广播节目周一至周五)白天播出的,日间播放的
    Daytime television and radio is broadcast during the morning and afternoon on weekdays.

    e.g. ...ITV's new package of daytime programmes.

daytime 单语例句

1. For the coming summer months, a white or khaki linen suit is preferable to a business suit for daytime weddings.

2. Sleeping in a dark and quiet environment during the day can improve sleep and prevent early morning sunlight from activating the internal daytime clock.

3. That daytime decline was subtle, and the people's circadian rhythms provided a bit of rescue.

4. There is no known cure for narcolepsy, which is often treated with stimulants to combat daytime fatigue.

5. Analysis found that the more marital satisfaction and adjustment spouses reported, the lower their average blood pressure was over the 24 hours and during the daytime.

6. " You don't want to come out in the daytime, " Chen said.

7. Daytime temperatures there are noticeably cooler than in the humid and hot flatlands of Luzon and it gets cold at night.

8. Temperatures in the main stadium court were ten degrees above normal, reaching 35 C for Roddick's daytime match.

9. Hotels with tiny windows have to crank up the lights even in the daytime, and that leads to waste.

10. MGM Grand Sanya will host " Wet Republic " daytime pool parties while diners can feast on 12 unique culinary meal options.


daytime 英英释义


1. the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside

    e.g. the dawn turned night into day
           it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime

    Synonym: daydaylight

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