
decelerate是什么意思 decelerate在线翻译 decelerate什么意思 decelerate的意思 decelerate的翻译 decelerate的解释 decelerate的发音 decelerate的同义词

decelerate [ˌdi:ˈseləreɪt]  [diˈsɛləˌret] 


decelerate 基本解释


decelerate 网络解释

1. 减速:通常枪管只向后移动几毫米,又可细分为枪管减速(Decelerate)和枪栓加速(Accelerate)两类. 前者如1911A和几乎所有今天市场上的有名手枪,等在枪管脱锁之后,便卡在枪身上不再移动. 滑套则继续向后移动. M2五零机枪则属于枪栓加速型,

2. 减低:deceive 欺骗 | decelerate 减低 | deceleratedflow 减速流

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. (使)减速:decelerability /减速能力/减速性能/ | decelerate /(使)减速/ | deceleration /减速/

4. 制动:decelerability 减速能力 减速性能 | decelerate 制动 | deceleratedmotion 减速运动

5. decelerate:decel; 降低速度

decelerate 词典解释

1. 降低速度;减速行驶(或动转)
    When a vehicle or machine decelerates or when someone in a vehicle decelerates, the speed of the vehicle or machine is reduced.


    e.g. ...the sensation of the train decelerating.

The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.

2. (通货膨胀、经济增长等的速度)减缓,放慢
    When the rate of something such as inflation or economic growth decelerates, it slows down.


    e.g. Inflation has decelerated remarkably over the past two years.

...a significant deceleration in the annual rate of growth.

decelerate 单语例句

1. Capital formation will decelerate, and future investments will be directed increasingly toward infrastructure projects and industrial retooling.

2. He said an important component of the trial will be to test the steel cables used to catch the aircraft and decelerate them upon landing.

3. Industry analysts have reached a consensus that China's economy might continue to decelerate as a result of slower industrial output growth and weakening overseas demand.

4. Most advanced economies will decelerate, and emerging economies will grow at a slower pace.

5. China's external terms of trade will likely improve as import prices dependent on commodities decelerate by more than export prices dominated by manufactures.

6. BEIJING - China's economic growth continued to decelerate in the third quarter as the government weans the economy from the stimulus and back to normal.

7. Xu predicted growth of auto imports would decelerate in the second quarter as tight monetary policy and drop of China's stock market wealth.

8. Although figures show that mainland economic growth continued to decelerate in the third quarter, many companies nevertheless posted strong results.

9. The expansion of China's exports and consumption may decelerate further in the second half of the year due to weak overseas and domestic demand.

10. Export growth will also decelerate due to the yuan's appreciation and dampened demand as a result of the economic troubles in the US.

decelerate 英英释义



1. reduce the speed of

    e.g. He slowed down the car

    Synonym: slow down

2. lose velocity
    move more slowly

    e.g. The car decelerated

    Synonym: slowslow downslow upretard

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