
degradation是什么意思 degradation在线翻译 degradation什么意思 degradation的意思 degradation的翻译 degradation的解释 degradation的发音

degradation [ˌdegrəˈdeɪʃn]  [ˌdɛɡrəˈdeʃən] 


degradation 基本解释

名词恶化; 堕落; 潦倒; 毁坏

degradation 网络解释

1. 退化:该系统是针对高温组件测试设计,可以用来测试陶瓷膜,电极,密封,催化剂以及完整的固体氧化物燃料电池膜电极及短电堆(short stacks). 该系统是分析耐用性(durability)及退化(degradation)等材料及组件特性的理想平台

2. degradation是什么意思

2. 降级:在这里,损耗诱导降级与拉曼诱导降级(degradation)之间达到了一种平衡. 图中显示,CNR曲线在感爱好的距离上都比较平坦,可以预期对业务的影响是比较小的. 在那些需要额外盈余(margin)的地方,有一种非常简单的方法来减少拉曼效应所带来的影响.

3. degradation的意思

3. 降解:为了确保该循环的顺利运行,降解(degradation)和合成(synthesis)学状态之中. 在这个均衡稳定的系统(homeostatic system)中,大量的有机化合物被的主体部分. 为了确保该循环的顺利运行,降解(degradation)和合成(synthesis)

4. 劣化:美国认为,伴随着核电站的高服役期,安全壳的腐蚀(corrosion)和劣化(degradation)现象的发生率呈增加趋势. 与钢制和混凝土制安全壳有关的老化研究计划主要有: (1)核电厂老化研究(NPAR)计划; (2)构筑物老化研究(SAG)计划;

degradation 词典解释

1. 丢脸;(尤指)落泊,堕落
    You use degradation to refer to a situation, condition, or experience which you consider shameful and disgusting, especially one which involves poverty or immorality.


    e.g. They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found...
    e.g. She described the degradations she had been forced to suffer.

2. 恶化;变糟;衰退
    Degradation is the process of something becoming worse or weaker, or being made worse or weaker.

    e.g. I feel this signals the degradation of American culture.

3. (土地或环境的)退化
    The degradation of land or of the environment is the process of its becoming damaged and poorer, for example because of the effects of pollution, industry, and modern agricultural methods.


    e.g. There are serious problems of land degradation in some arid zones.
    e.g. ...the accelerating degradation of our planet's natural environment.

4. 降解
    In science, the degradation of a substance is the process of its breaking down into its separate parts or elements.

    e.g. ...the degradation of salicylic acid in plants.

degradation 单语例句

1. " Drought and environmental degradation have hampered the reservoir's water holding capacity and supply function, " Wang said.

2. This oversight in turn threatens sustained economic growth and has often led to environmental degradation, which will prove catastrophic to mankind in the long run.

3. China has chosen a " circular " economy as the major means to combat environmental degradation and pursue sustainable development.

4. The component will involve analysis of existing land use policy and institutional and environmental factors that influence land degradation.

5. So far, severe water and soil erosion and the consequent ecological degradation have not been slowed.

6. The research on the relationship between per capita income and environmental sustainability for China indicates a correlation between income and environmental degradation.

7. Frequent scandals involving corruption and dereliction of duty are a warning sign of moral degradation within the ranks of public officials.

8. The program is known as REDD for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation.

9. Bijie has been afflicted with poverty and environmental degradation for years, as local farmers have distressed the land there through desertification and deforestation.

10. Shen said he has witnessed local biodiversity suffer from severe deforestation and land degradation since his childhood.

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