
degrade是什么意思 degrade在线翻译 degrade什么意思 degrade的意思 degrade的翻译 degrade的解释 degrade的发音 degrade的同义词 degrade的反义词

degrade [dɪˈgreɪd]  [dɪˈɡred] 


degrade 基本解释

及物动词降低,贬低; 使降级; 降低…身分; 使丢脸

及物/不及物动词降解; (使)退化,降解,分解; 撤职,免职; 降低品格[身价,价值(等)]


degrade 同义词

degrade 反义词



degrade 相关例句


1. You degrade yourself when you tell a lie.

2. He was degraded for disobeying orders.

3. He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies.


1. degrade

1. This herbicide degrades in moist soil.

degrade 网络解释

1. 降级:此书的作者,用通俗易懂的英文,循序渐进的方式将JavaScript DOM编程最清晰的表达给了读者,而最让我激动的是,他将如何使行为层与表现层、内容层实现完全分离的方式展现给了我们,而且还重点加强了Javascript降级(degrade)思想,Javascript应该是对文本内容的一个补充,

2. 降低:根据攻击对目标造成的破坏程度,攻击影响自低向高可以分为:无效(None)、服务降低(Degrade)、可自恢复的服务破坏(Self-recoverable)、可人工恢复的服务破坏(Manu-recoverable)以及不可恢复的服务破坏(Non-recoverable).

3. 降解:随之这种微粒会降解(degrade)成对人体无害的副产物,并於5天内自人体安全地排出. 为了制作这种微粒,研究人员先让电流通过半导体业界使用的矽晶圆,在晶圆上形成奈米级孔洞,接著以超声波震碎布满孔洞的晶圆,

degrade 词典解释

1. 使丢脸;有辱…的人格;降低…的身份
    Something that degrades someone causes people to have less respect for them.

    e.g. ...the notion that pornography degrades women...
    e.g. When I asked him if he had ever been to a prostitute he said he wouldn't degrade himself like that.

Mr Porter was subjected to a degrading strip-search.

2. 使恶化;使退化
    To degrade something means to cause it to get worse.

    e.g. ...the ability to meet human needs indefinitely without degrading the environment.

3. (使)降解
    In science, if a substance degrades or if something degrades it, it changes chemically and decays or separates into different substances.

    e.g. This substance degrades rapidly in the soil.
    e.g. ...the ability of these enzymes to degrade cellulose.

degrade 单语例句

1. Under any circumstance service providers should not significantly degrade the service standard and quality, he explained.

2. So domestic mineral resources hardly meet the industrial demand, and their overuse will degrade the competence of the manufacturing industry and threaten economic security.

3. " It takes some 400 years for traditional plastic bags to degrade, " Ni said.

4. But as more and more people visit the sacred place, the paintings and sculptures in the caves will degrade as a result.

5. I wonder if she is a mole sent by Jackie Chan and his cronies from The Disciple to mentally degrade me.

6. Some local governments are degrade the environments in the name of maintaining stable economic growth.

7. His consistent political stance is to degrade the Chinese government, criticize Chinese culture and advocate Westernization in China.

8. The Internet worsens the situation because virtual networks degrade people's communicating ability, she added.

9. They not only can be washed off streets, but also degrade naturally in the environment.

10. Pound said the measure would prevent athletes and their advisors from deliberately delaying their'B'tests in the hope that samples would degrade.

degrade 英英释义


1. lower the grade of something
    reduce its worth

    Synonym: cheapen

2. reduce the level of land, as by erosion

3. reduce in worth or character, usually verbally

    e.g. She tends to put down younger women colleagues
           His critics took him down after the lecture

    Synonym: take downdisgracedemeanput down

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