
deliberation是什么意思 deliberation在线翻译 deliberation什么意思 deliberation的意思 deliberation的翻译 deliberation的解释 deliberation的发音

deliberation [dɪˌlɪbəˈreɪʃn]  [dɪˌlɪbəˈreʃən] 


deliberation 基本解释

名词考虑,深思熟虑; 评议,审议; (言语、行动等的)从容; 沉着,慎重

deliberation 相关词组

1. be taken into deliberation : 被审议;

2. under deliberation : 在考虑之中;

3. with deliberation : 慎重地;

deliberation 相关例句


1. He spoke with deliberation.

2. After long deliberation, he decided not to go.

deliberation 网络解释

1. 从容:书的作者藉此进行了推断:成功实施幻影移形的条件:目标(Destination),决心(Determination),从容(Deliberation)的三D原则以及魔力. 其中的魔力就相当于麻瓜的汽油,而三D原则相当于方向盘,两方面充足且把握良好的时候才能够使汽车(一种麻瓜的交通工具)正常的行驶.

deliberation 词典解释

1. 慎重的考虑;仔细的思考
    Deliberation is the long and careful consideration of a subject.

    e.g. After much deliberation, a decision was reached...
    e.g. After five minutes of deliberation, he was found guilty of murdering the president.
           经过 5 分钟的仔细斟酌之后,他被判谋杀总统罪名成立。

2. 审议;评议;商议
    Deliberations are formal discussions where an issue is considered carefully.


    e.g. ...the outcome of the deliberations...
    e.g. Their deliberations were rather inconclusive.

3. 从容;不慌不忙;审慎
    If you say or do something with deliberation, you do it slowly and carefully.

    e.g. Fred spoke with deliberation...
    e.g. My mother folded her coat across the back of the chair with careful deliberation.

deliberation 单语例句


1. Police said Holmes planned the attack with " calculation and deliberation ", receiving multiple deliveries of ammunition by mail for months before the attack.

2. The San Francisco Chronicle also endorsed the Democratic nominee, describing him as a " portrait of calmness and deliberation " throughout the financial crisis.

3. The members decided to submit the draft to the central committee's plenum in October for deliberation after further revisions reflecting Sunday's discussion are made.

4. Wen Jiabao said that through serious deliberation and discussion, the State Council approved Tung Chee Hwa's resignation as the chief executive of the HKSAR.

5. In addition, the draft for deliberation proposes gender equality on retirement for the first time.

6. BEIJING - Senior Chinese legislators on Monday started their second deliberation on a draft amendment to the country's Law on the Promotion of Clean Production.

7. A draft law on China's exit and entry administration is in the process of deliberation by China's legislature.

8. The State Council tabled five bills for deliberation by the Standing Committee of China's top legislature and formulated 22 administrative regulations in 2009.

9. Ministers agreed to submit the draft to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation after further revisions.

10. The Justice Ministry's committee for treatment and custody deliberation ordered Monday the offender to undergo drug treatment designed to diminish sexual urges.


deliberation 英英释义


1. the trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision

    e.g. he was a man of judicial deliberation

    Synonym: deliberateness

2. a rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry

    Synonym: slownessdeliberatenessunhurriedness

3. careful consideration

    e.g. a little deliberation would have deterred them

    Synonym: weighingadvisement

4. planning something carefully and intentionally

    e.g. it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting

    Synonym: calculation

5. (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question

    e.g. the deliberations of the jury

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