
delicate是什么意思 delicate在线翻译 delicate什么意思 delicate的意思 delicate的翻译 delicate的解释 delicate的发音 delicate的同义词

delicate [ˈdelɪkət]  [ˈdɛlɪkɪt] 

delicate 基本解释


形容词微妙的; 熟练的; 纤弱的; 易损的

delicate 同义词

delicate 反义词

delicate 相关例句


1. Delicate plants must be protected from cold wind and frost.

2. She is in delicate health.

3. In such a delicate situation I have to weigh my words.

4. Take care with these delicate flowers.

5. She has long delicate fingers.

delicate 网络解释

1. 細膩:细腻(delicate) 指在没有峰值的情况下,高频可延伸到15甚至20kHz. 此时,音乐中那些细微末节皆能重放出来,连弹拨吉他时手指与琴弦的摩擦声也纤毫毕现而无一遗漏.

2. delicate什么意思

2. 精致:中线 情人 女人的特点:精致(delicate) 外表特征:身体娇小,温文尔雅,淡妆素裹 代表女性:花样年华里面的张曼玉 要点:知性/善解人意 故事发生的地方:一次偶然的在旅途中的邂逅 故事:这样的女人是一件精美的玉器,需要慢慢的欣赏.

delicate 词典解释

1. 娇美的;精美的;雅致的;纤细的
    Something that is delicate is small and beautifully shaped.

    e.g. He had delicate hands.
    e.g. ...an evergreen tree with large flame-coloured leaves and delicate blossom.

She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes.

2. (颜色)柔和的;(味道)鲜美的,清淡可口的;(气味)清香的
    Something that is delicate has a colour, taste, or smell which is pleasant and not strong or intense.

    e.g. Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour...
    e.g. The colours are delicate and shimmering.

...a soup delicately flavoured with nutmeg.

3. 娇贵的;脆弱的;易碎的
    If something is delicate, it is easy to harm, damage, or break, and needs to be handled or treated carefully.


    e.g. Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate.
    e.g. ...a washing machine catering for every fabric — even the most delicate.

4. 娇弱的;柔弱的
    Someone who is delicate is not healthy and strong, and becomes ill easily.


    e.g. She was physically delicate and psychologically unstable.

5. 微妙的;棘手的;需要小心处理的
    You use delicate to describe a situation, problem, matter, or discussion that needs to be dealt with carefully and sensitively in order to avoid upsetting things or offending people.


    e.g. The European members are afraid of upsetting the delicate balance of political interests...
    e.g. This sensitive book tackles the delicate issue of adoption with care and simplicity...

Clearly, the situation remains delicately poised.
...a delicately-worded memo.

6. 技巧性很强的;注重细节的
    A delicate task, movement, action, or product needs or shows great skill and attention to detail.

    e.g. ...a long and delicate operation carried out at a hospital in Florence...
    e.g. Each motion must be delicate and precise, involving tiny movements.

She picked her way delicately over the rocks.
...the delicately embroidered sheets.

delicate 单语例句

1. Cafu's robust run down the right flank took him to the byline and his delicate chipped cross was headed home by Kaka.

2. Its quirks and insights are heartfelt but must play to the right audience, where Hoffman's delicate craftsmanship as an actor and director will be appreciated.

3. For their expertise, you can enjoy delicate and a little insipidity cate.

4. Champagne is particularly handy in this situation - the delicate bubbles have the desired effect of making sore heads miraculously disappear.

5. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by capturing them before they have a chance to damage delicate tissues.

6. The many small shops here cover everything from jewelry and delicate handicrafts, to beauty salons and chic clothes imported from Europe and America.

7. The choreography is both delicate and dynamic, conveying the essence of the roles from both a visual and spiritual perspective.

8. The stage will be decorated with a huge " Christmas tree, " funny snowman and delicate sled.

9. It was as if the delicate sauce and oozing donkey fat were oiling the cogs of my body clock back into action.

10. It usually takes Zhu one week to complete one pair of shoes because cloth shoes require delicate sewing and embroidery skills.

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