
Demo是什么意思 Demo在线翻译 Demo什么意思 Demo的意思 Demo的翻译 Demo的解释 Demo的发音 Demo的同义词 Demo的反义词 Demo的例句 Demo的相关词组

Demo [ˈdeməu]  [ˈdɛmo] 

Demo 基本解释


Demo 网络解释

1. 演示:如果你并不想要这么强大,这么复杂的上传. 请点击这里查看另一篇 表单上传. 演示(demo)地址在文章最后.废话少说,看图: 演示(demo)地址(页面的最底部): http://extjs.org.cn/extjs/plugins/SwfUploadPanel/example.p

2. Demo

2. 演示程序:适合快速开发演示程序(Demo),CRM系统,OA系统,ERP系统,电子政务系统以及网站后台管理. PhpGrid是以流行的xajax框架为基础.速度快,稳定性高.完全具有ajax,跨浏览器平台特性. 主要功能特点如下: 简单,不需要花较多的时间去学习 自动生成CRUD(添加,

3. 演示版:Step 3:演示版(Demo)这步我就不多说了,Demo就是按照原型和模型用xHTML/CSS/JavaScript等等前端技术实现出来,以便后端的开发工程师可以接手编 码. 这个过程让小马、正淳专门起个新帖来详细介绍吧. 只提一点,

4. 样本唱片:关于岚的歌曲,根据大野君FAN们所说的,以及音乐杂志上写的'FAKE'的本来意义来说,这里说的'FAKE'并不一定是指大野君即兴唱出来的,因为只通过听CD的话是无法判断大野君是自己即兴唱的'FAKE',还是按照乐谱中原有的[在样本唱片(DEMO)中]东西唱的.

Demo 词典解释

1. 示威;示威游行(或集会)
    A demo is a demonstration by a group of people to show their opposition to something or their support for something.

    e.g. ...an anti-racist demo.

2. 试样唱片;录音样带
    A demo is a CD or tape with a sample of someone's music recorded on it.

    e.g. He listened to one of my demo tapes...
    e.g. Send us a demo with one or two of your best songs.

Demo 单语例句

1. For her favorite musicians, she also downloads demo versions before loosening her purse strings for a CD.

2. The core technologies of the Internet of Things will be perfected through demo application, and at the same time its standards and criteria will also be established.

3. I liked studying the beauty tips my grandmother used from tea when I was little and it has become the inspiration creating Demo.

4. Last year, the third telecast of " American Idol " dropped 14% in the demo.

5. A demo of the song - which featured vocals from Lady Gaga - has been posted on the internet by her rapper friend Kanye West.

6. It is now seven months when the demo against article 23 erupted, much to the surprise of the leaders in Beijing.

7. The new demo plant will open in the third quarter of 2011, and produce 3 million gallons of ethanol every year.

8. ABC had three of the top five shows in viewers and two of the top five in the demo.

9. The demo centres will look at how to manage checks and treatment according to different economic situations.

10. He also noted that the video clip on the Internet is " only a demo version made last year ".

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