
demonstrations是什么意思 demonstrations在线翻译 demonstrations什么意思 demonstrations的意思 demonstrations的翻译 demonstrations的解释

demonstrations [demənst'reɪʃnz]  [demənst'reɪʃnz] 


demonstrations 基本解释

证明( demonstration的名词复数 );表明;表达;<非正>游行示威;

demonstrations 网络解释

1. 示范:2、示范(Demonstrations) 示范是指在学员面前展示某种动作、解释某种程序或技巧,以使学员能重复相同的动作或程序. 示范的方法主要适用于教授某种特殊之技能或介绍某一新的程序或技巧. 示范的优点是:(1)示范的程序比较具体,可重复进行,

2. 展示:有些服务营销学者对销售促进不太重视,他们认为:销售促进在传统观念中的样品(sampling)、展示 (demonstrations)、购买点陈列(POP display)都受到严格限制......,同时,销售促进通常都不被视为一种重要的工具.

3. 演示:人类关于这类对象的知识要么具有直觉的确定性,要么可以通过解证(demonstrations)的方式加以论证;与第一类对象不同,...免费参观芥末博物馆,还有芥末厨艺演示(demonstrations)等.

4. demonstrations

4. 展示、表演:Demographic segmentation 人口细分 | Demonstrations 展示、表演 | Department store 百货商店

demonstrations 单语例句

1. Fresh demonstrations held by Morsi's supporters and opponents raged recently in different districts in Cairo ahead of the disputed constitutional referendum.

2. According to the statement, protest demonstrations were held in 13 provinces including capital city of Kabul.

3. Gay marriage advocates said they were planning nationwide demonstrations this weekend in more than 175 cities and outside the US Capitol.

4. Local police deployed dogs and capsicum spray to disperse the crowd, and the demonstrations turned violent.

5. His party has moved quickly to carve out a place in the political scene, taking part in demonstrations and meeting with the prime minister.

6. Through mass demonstrations led by Morales the privatization scheme was defeated and the country had a first taste of Morales'charisma and ability to lead.

7. In previous years violent activists have stayed away from the chic ski resort and staged violent demonstrations elsewhere in Switzerland instead.

8. Several hundred protesters were hurt during the rally that continued into Sunday morning, according to a coalition of civic groups that has organized weeks of demonstrations.

9. Doctors and nurses from hospitals across the country protested against the sentences, while civic groups organized demonstrations and appealed for the nurses'immediate release.

10. Arroyo ordered a security clampdown, with military camps barricaded to keep troops from joining the demonstrations.

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