
derivative是什么意思 derivative在线翻译 derivative什么意思 derivative的意思 derivative的翻译 derivative的解释 derivative的发音 derivative的同义词

derivative [dɪˈrɪvətɪv]  [dɪˈrɪvətɪv] 


derivative 基本解释


名词[数]导数,微商; [化] 衍生物,派生物; [语]派生词

形容词衍生的; 导出的; 拷贝的

derivative 相关例句


1. French is a derivative of Latin.

derivative 网络解释

1. 导数:最佳答案: 导数(derivative)亦名微商,由速度问题和切线问题抽象出来的数学概念. 又称变化率. 如一辆汽车在10小时内走了 600千米,它的平均速度是60千米/小时,但在实际行驶过程中,是有快慢变化的,不都是60千米/小时. 为了较好地反映汽车在行驶过程中...

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 派生的:即人可谓依吾人所说之神之观念,乃第二义的观念或派生的(Derivative)观念. 吾人所谓自自然生命欲望解脱之意志,唯是一个人主观的意志. 则由此意志所引生出之神,亦为个人主观的心中之神. 此种神因是个人的,则不能是无限的、公共的;

derivative 词典解释

1. 派生物;衍生物
    A derivative is something which has been developed or obtained from something else.

    e.g. ...a poppy-seed derivative similar to heroin...
    e.g. This isn't an entirely new car, but a new derivative of the Citroen XM.

2. 模仿他人的;缺乏创意的
    If you say that something is derivative, you are criticizing it because it is not new or original but has been developed from something else.

    e.g. ...their dull, derivative debut album...
    e.g. A lot of what you see in stand-up comedy today is very derivative.

derivative 单语例句


1. Capital Focus Asset Management Director Simon Luk warned that the ETFs have adopted derivative instruments that may entail counterparty credit risk for investors.

2. It also said companies with high leverage, huge losses and or impaired cash flow should not engage in derivative trading.

3. If this continues, we could soon see the pillars of the national economy change into financial derivative investors.

4. These rules respectively focus on commercial banks'charging standards for their services, the management of auto finance companies and financial derivative transactions by financial institutions.

5. The growth of other derivative financial instruments in the commodity markets has increased price volatility and speculative activity.

6. The company attributed the growth to a significant lower losses from the change in fair value of the derivative component of its convertible bonds.

7. Gamer's plot is convoluted and derivative - an unforgivable combination - but it's also strangely unconcerned with its inspiration.

8. But other industry watchers believe such copycat or derivative trademarks have little influence on real luxury brands because they target different consumer groups.

9. A credit default swap is a derivative that insures against default on a loan or security.

10. Now art investors can buy their own derivative of an artist's future.

derivative 英英释义



1. the result of mathematical differentiation
    the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another

    Synonym: derived functiondifferential coefficientdifferentialfirst derivative

2. (linguistics) a word that is derived from another word

    e.g. `electricity' is a derivative of `electric'

3. a financial instrument whose value is based on another security

    Synonym: derivative instrument

4. a compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another compound



1. resulting from or employing derivation

    e.g. a derivative process
           a highly derivative prose style

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