
desire是什么意思 desire在线翻译 desire什么意思 desire的意思 desire的翻译 desire的解释 desire的发音 desire的同义词 desire的反义词 desire的例句

desire [dɪˈzaɪə(r)]  [ dɪˈzaɪr] 


desire 基本解释

及物动词渴望; 希望; 要求; 请求

名词欲望; 愿望; 希望; 请求

不及物动词愿望; 有希望; 期望; 想望

desire 同义词


desire 反义词


desire 相关例句


1. He desired us to leave soon.

2. desire

2. People desire peace.

3. desire的反义词

3. They desire me to return soon.


1. I'll try to act according to your desire.

2. He brought me my heart's desire.

desire 网络解释

1. 心愿:一年苗 3元 二年苗8元71 心愿(Desire)淡粉红色,重瓣,瓣缘带深粉红色,中到大型花,长势旺盛,花期12-2月. 二年苗8元105 朱瑞黄(Jury's Yellow)中到大,白色中间瓣化花瓣为黄色,托桂型重瓣,花期早到晚,二年苗 8元145 柯威娜(Covina)玫瑰红色,

desire 词典解释

1. 渴望;热望;欲望
    A desire is a strong wish to do or have something.


    e.g. I had a strong desire to help and care for people...
    e.g. They seem to have lost their desire for life.

2. 渴望;想望;想要
    If you desire something, you want it.


    e.g. She had remarried and desired a child with her new husband...
    e.g. But Fred was bored and desired to go home...

You may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect...
His warnings have provoked the desired response.

3. 情欲;肉欲;性欲
    Desire for someone is a strong feeling of wanting to have sex with them.

    e.g. Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.

4. 想与…发生性关系
    If you desire someone, you want to have sex with them.

    e.g. It never occurred to him that she might not desire him.

5. (用于说明性的书面语中)如果需要的话,如果愿意的话
    If desired is used in instructions in written English to indicate that someone can choose to take the course of action mentioned.


    e.g. Additional courses may be taken if desired...
    e.g. Transfer this sauce to a separate saucepan, if desired.

6. 心里想望之人;心中渴望之物
    If you say that someone or something is your heart's desire, you mean that you want that person or thing very much.


    e.g. He was extremely devious in his efforts to achieve his heart's desire.

7. 尚有(许多)需要改进之处;有待(大幅)提高
    If you say that something leaves a lot to be desired, you mean that it is not as good as it should be.

    e.g. The selection of TV programmes, especially at the weekend, leaves a lot to be desired...
    e.g. Food seems to have been available, even if the quality left much to be desired...

desire 单语例句


1. A large proportion of passengers travel by air because of a desire to reach their final destination in the shortest possible time.

2. The desire of our Taiwan compatriots for peace, stability and development is growing stronger day by day.

3. The show provides them with an opportunity to release their desire by means of voting.

4. The grandfather wants to motivate his grandson to learn English by buying him the book, a desire shared by most parents in the queue.

5. It's free and you can use the reading rooms and call up any kind of English language book you desire.

6. We call on the government of Syria to pay serious heed to the people's legitimate desire for reform and development.

7. He described the talks as " candid and friendly ", saying both sides expressed the desire to work toward further development of commercial ties.

8. Schenkel is only one of the foreign newcomers at the Canton Fair to have expressed a strong desire to make inroads into the Chinese market.

9. He said his desire to leave Utah does not mean that medical care here is weak.

10. In recent days Pyongyang has signaled a desire to deal, offering to freeze its nuclear activity in return for energy assistance.

desire 英英释义


1. an inclination to want things

    e.g. a man of many desires

2. the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state

3. something that is desired


1. feel or have a desire for
    want strongly

    e.g. I want to go home now
           I want my own room

    Synonym: want

2. express a desire for

3. expect and wish

    e.g. I trust you will behave better from now on
           I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise

    Synonym: hopetrust

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