
determinant是什么意思 determinant在线翻译 determinant什么意思 determinant的意思 determinant的翻译 determinant的解释 determinant的发音

determinant [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnənt]  [dɪˈtɜ:rmɪnənt] 


determinant 基本解释

名词行列式; 决定因素; 决定物; 免疫因子

形容词决定因素的; 限定性的

determinant 网络解释

1. 决定因素:X Y,但 Y 是 X 的子集,则称 X Y 是平凡的函数依赖.若 X Y,则 X 叫做决定因素(Determinant). 若 X Y,Y X,则记作 X Y. 若 Y 不函数依赖于 X,则记作 X Y. 定义 2:在 R(U)中,如果 X Y,并且对于 X 的任何一个真子集 X',都有 X' Y,

2. determinant什么意思

2. 决定性因素:这些原因构成了成本的决定性因素(determinant). 由于各个企业的经营状况不同,影响其成本的因素也会不同. 到底什么是影响企业成本的最重要的因成本会计上经历着前所未有的变化. 这种变化主要体现在两个方面:一是成本会计技术手段与方法不断更新,

3. 决定子:Soedings等人从干香肠中分离的14株乳杆菌中发现了四环素耐受性决定子(determinant),其中有7株能够将耐受性从乳杆菌转移给肠球菌,转移频率为10-4~10-7;有2株能够转移给L.

determinant 词典解释

1. 决定物;决定因素
    A determinant of something causes it to be of a particular kind or to happen in a particular way.


    e.g. The windows and the views beyond them are major determinants of a room's character.
    e.g. ...the types of determinants that are likely to influence trade in a specific industry.

determinant 单语例句

1. " The most crucial determinant is still perseverance, " Gan stresses.

2. It's time the authorities stopped saying that it would be difficult to implement the discount system if age was used as the determinant factor.

3. For a statistical pool open to all Hong Kong residents, its sampling take is no doubt the most important determinant of credibility.

4. Apparently various election strategies do not always work and the real prime determinant in LegCo matchup is voters'will.

5. The returns to education have increased substantially in China over time, making education an increasingly important determinant of inequality and poverty.

6. It is known that a country's surrounding security environment is a determinant on what kinds of security strategy it will adopt.

7. But the state of the economy is usually the most important determinant of who wins national elections in the United States.

8. Since these potential explanations may not be mutually exclusive, what is the determinant factor behind China's ODI?

9. However, people's income level and their income expectations are a key determinant of domestic demand expansion.

10. More than demand and supply, the prime determinant of crude prices today is geopolitics.

determinant 英英释义


1. a determining or causal element or factor

    e.g. education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life

    Synonym: determinerdeterminativedetermining factorcausal factor

2. a square matrix used to solve simultaneous equations

3. the site on the surface of an antigen molecule to which an antibody attaches itself

    Synonym: antigenic determinantepitope


1. having the power or quality of deciding

    e.g. the crucial experiment
           cast the deciding vote
           the determinative (or determinant) battle

    Synonym: deciding(a)determinativedetermining(a)

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