
determination是什么意思 determination在线翻译 determination什么意思 determination的意思 determination的翻译 determination的解释 determination的发音

determination [dɪˌtɜ:mɪˈneɪʃn]  [dɪˌtɜ:rmɪˈneɪʃn] 


determination 基本解释

名词决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算

determination 同义词

determination 反义词

determination 相关例句


1. My father was a man of determination.

2. determination的近义词

2. That girl has great determination; I am sure she will do well.

3. She has the determination to overcome all the obstacles to success.

4. She is responsible for the determination of wage levels within this company.

determination 网络解释

1. 决心:一般情况下,要拿冠军的队伍在很长时间里都必须具备3巨头+3D的组合:即三巨头+阵容深度(depth), 决心(determination)和防守(defense). 在NBA这个联盟里,一般你都会在乎是否拥有勒布朗-詹姆斯或者邓肯这样的巨星,其实你还必须具备稳定的第二点和第三点,

2. 鉴定:基因型的鉴定(determination) 有助於医师研判(determine,decide)用药的理想剂量(optimal dose). 例如,医师会以抗凝血药或血液稀释剂(blood thinner)华法林(warfarin)协助病患稀释血液与减少血栓,但使用华法林过量(overdose),

determination 词典解释

1. 决心;坚决;坚定;果断
    Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.

    e.g. Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination...
    e.g. He reaffirmed their determination to tackle inflation...

determination 单语例句

1. Her calmness and determination caught the attention of the authorities, who appointed her as a volunteer leader.

2. Russia and Poland have released an incomplete report may have been intended by both sides to show their determination to be candid and cooperative.

3. He said he will show his determination to carry on with the case by appealing to a higher court.

4. " The president expressed his strong determination to carry through for the task of Iraq's reconstruction, " Abe said.

5. China ratified the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in May this year, showing the country's determination to take a cautious approach on GMOs.

6. The Chinese media has reacted to the disaster with unprecedented openness and determination to bring the full extent of the catastrophe to the public.

7. And I hail the strength and determination of the villagers of Makou for the way they have been rebuilding their lives after such catastrophe.

8. They may be small in number, but their determination to cause as much trouble as they can must not be underestimated.

9. Condoleezza Rice the same steely determination and political acumen with unflinching support for their bosses as well as an academic background.

10. The move also showed the central bank's determination to continue to tighten liquidity management, a major problem threatening China's economy.

determination 英英释义


1. the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation

    e.g. the determination of molecular structures

    Synonym: finding

2. the act of making up your mind about something

    e.g. the burden of decision was his
           he drew his conclusions quickly

    Synonym: decisionconclusion

3. the quality of being determined to do or achieve something
    firmness of purpose

    e.g. his determination showed in his every movement
           he is a man of purpose

    Synonym: purpose

4. deciding or controlling something's outcome or nature

    e.g. the determination of grammatical inflections

5. a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration

    e.g. a decision unfavorable to the opposition
           his conclusion took the evidence into account
           satisfied with the panel's determination

    Synonym: decisionconclusion

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