
diamonds是什么意思 diamonds在线翻译 diamonds什么意思 diamonds的意思 diamonds的翻译 diamonds的解释 diamonds的发音 diamonds的同义词

diamonds ['daɪəməndz]  ['daɪəməndz] 


diamonds 基本解释

名词<数>菱形( diamond的名词复数 ); 方块牌; 金刚钻; [常用复数](项链、戒指等)钻石饰物


diamonds 网络解释

1. 钻石:除了<<警察故事>>之外,最近可以在荧屏上看到的合拍剧还有ABC的迷你剧<<钻石>>(Diamonds),<<冲击>>(Impact),以及明年的新剧<<本-赫>>(Ben HurFOX的夏季档新剧<<精神科医师>>(MentalNBC的新剧<<读心人>>(The Listener),

2. 方块:w局部变量总是放在栈(stack)中w局部变量指向堆(heap)中的对象枚举(enum)值类型结构(struct)值类型类(class)引用类型接口(interface)引用类型委托(delegate)引用类型//Suit表示一副牌,它有4个花色:梅花(Clubs),方块(Diamonds),红心(Hearts),

3. 石:首先,Mark给孩子们介绍了久负盛名的风车(wind mill), 荷兰的国花郁金香(tulip)和国石(diamonds). 紧接着,孩子们在大屏幕里欣赏到了更多美丽的荷兰景色和富有特色的荷兰建筑. 在这些环节结束之后,我们便开始了精彩的游戏和体育活动,

4. 方块,红方,钻石:clubs 梅花,三叶草 | diamonds 方块,红方,钻石 | hearts 红桃,红心

diamonds 单语例句

1. He said so many people are buying diamonds that they have already sold out of some categories.

2. Doctors activate the enamel and spread a special glue on the teeth before putting small diamonds on the surface and heating to fix them.

3. The'Candy Shop'rapper said his financial endeavours - particularly buying and selling diamonds - have taken a hit in the present financial climate.

4. It is served in a goblet with a band of gold decorated with 1 carat of diamonds.

5. Thousands of fans lined up to catch glimpses of their favorite stars dripping in diamonds and the strode up the red carpet.

6. Business people have a keen appreciation of this point and pack the cakes with diamonds, gold necklaces and even cash.

7. Central and local governments established the exchange in the hope of boosting the domestic diamond trade and encouraging legal import and export of diamonds.

8. The heritage of Harry Winston is based on three elements - the highest quality diamonds, design and adaptation of beautiful gems into beautiful jewelry and innovation.

9. " Many of our customers want to add diamonds and laces to decorate their dresses nowadays, " said a clerk of a wedding dress shop.

10. A clutch of ancient diamonds plucked from the hills of Western Australia have been identified as the oldest remnants of the Earth's crust ever recovered.

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