
diaphragm是什么意思 diaphragm在线翻译 diaphragm什么意思 diaphragm的意思 diaphragm的翻译 diaphragm的解释 diaphragm的发音 diaphragm的同义词

diaphragm [ˈdaɪəfræm]  [ˈdaɪəˌfræm] 


diaphragm 基本解释

名词<机> 隔板; <解>横隔膜; <物>光圈; 快门


diaphragm 网络解释

1. diaphragm的翻译

1. 隔膜:1.2 隔膜(diaphragm):? 隔膜(diaphragm)在电化学研究的大部分场合是电解槽必要的结构单元,隔膜将电解槽分隔为阳极区和阴极区,以保证阴极、阳极上发生氧化-还原反应的反应物和产物不互相接触和干扰. 特别是在化学电源的研究中,

2. diaphragm什么意思

2. 膜片:当前 价: - 最小起订:- 供货总量:-发货 期: - 所在 地: 上海 上海市 有效期至: 2009年09月23日 伟德真空专业提供各类各品牌的螺杆型(SCREW),旋齿(爪形,ROTARY CLAW),罗茨(ROOTS),涡旋(SCROLL),膜片(DIAPHRAGM),活塞(PISTON),

3. 隔板:在竹类中称为竿 以示与禾草者相区别;节间中空 常为筒形 或稍扁 髓部贴生于空腔之内壁 但亦有充满空腔而使节间为实心者;节一处之内有有横隔板(diaphragm)存在 故是闭塞的

4. 光圈:君不见,几乎所有有关照相机的入门书都至少有一幅眼睛与照相机的对照图,上面注明眼睑(Eyelid)相当於快门(Shutter),虹彩(Iris)相当於光圈(Diaphragm),眼睛晶体相当於镜头透镜,以及网膜(Retina)相当於照像底片等等(见图一).

diaphragm 词典解释

1. 膈;膈膜
    Your diaphragm is a muscle between your lungs and your stomach. It is used when you breathe.


2. (女性避孕用)子宫帽
    A diaphragm is a circular rubber contraceptive device that a woman places inside her vagina.

diaphragm 单语例句

1. The bullet had pierced through the diaphragm, liver and hit the right chest cavity.

2. Hiccups are caused by the involuntary spasm of the diaphragm which causes the vocal cords to close very briefly.

3. The whooping cough bacteria can also infect the diaphragm, causing it to contract and make breathing impossible within seconds.

4. There are also indications that on a full stomach the diaphragm can cramp up and cause side stitch.

5. A sensor at the diaphragm detects when a patient takes a breath, signaling the implant to zap the nerve.

6. A good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm and abdominal muscles when the belly contracts.

7. Walsh believes hiccups in cancer patients could be linked to the phrenic nerve, the motor nerve of the diaphragm.

diaphragm 英英释义


1. a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens

    e.g. the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically

    Synonym: stop

2. electro-acoustic transducer that vibrates to receive or produce sound waves

3. a contraceptive device consisting of a flexible dome-shaped cup made of rubber or plastic
    it is filled with spermicide and fitted over the uterine cervix

    Synonym: pessarycontraceptive diaphragm

4. (anatomy) a muscular partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities
    functions in respiration

    Synonym: midriff

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