
diligence是什么意思 diligence在线翻译 diligence什么意思 diligence的意思 diligence的翻译 diligence的解释 diligence的发音 diligence的同义词

diligence [ˈdɪlɪdʒəns]  [ˈdɪlədʒəns] 

diligence 基本解释


diligence 同义词

diligence 反义词


diligence 相关例句


1. Does he have enough diligence to finish the job on time?

2. Diligence is just one of his many outstanding attributes.

diligence 网络解释

1. 勤奋:LTD.) ,以下简称通化新网科技,是一家充满活力的技术公司,在开发互联网应用、服务及其它技术方面,通化新网科技始终保持以创新 (Innovetion) 、诚信 (Honesty) 、勤奋 (Diligence) 、双赢 (Win-win) 为原则,

2. 勤勉:莎弗莱在他的<<翻译与艺术>>(The Art of Translation)一书中曾提到一个良好的翻译工作者应具有的条件有三:(一)对原文的理解力(linguistic knowledge(二)对本国文字的操纵力(literary capacity(三)同情心(sympathy),直觉(intuition),勤勉(diligence)和责任感(cons

3. 兩- 盡職 港- 勤勉盡責;應盡的努力:digital warrant 港- 定點認股證;定點權證 | diligence 兩- 盡職 港- 勤勉盡責;應盡的努力 | diluted share capital 兩- 削弱股本 內- 股本稀釋 港- 攤薄股本

diligence 单语例句

1. Prior to establishing a business or conducting any kind of business transactions, examine the transaction's scope to determine how comprehensive the due diligence should be.

2. It is common for investors to engage professional firms to conduct due diligence on the target business they intend to acquire.

3. The case should be handled with due diligence and through close cooperation among the nations involved.

4. Due diligence services cover critical knowledge of a potential investment and outline the advantages and pitfalls.

5. The firm also helps businesses at important stages of deals, including performing due diligence and handling issues that crop up before and after acquisitions.

6. Lucky maybe the Chinese are, it is prudence and diligence of the Chinese aerospace professionals that make the glittery record.

7. The company will deposit 200 million yuan in an escrow account during the due diligence process as a risk management measure.

8. Thanks to Chen's diligence, the five performers agreed to harmonize.

9. Nearly 20 percent think a good collection of social networks and resources will make people richer and 15 percent believe in diligence at work.

10. The moves might look easy when performed by an expert, but the road to that seeming effortlessness needs great diligence and application.

diligence 英英释义


1. a diligent effort

    e.g. it is a job requiring serious application

    Synonym: application

2. conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task
    giving the degree of care required in a given situation

3. persevering determination to perform a task

    e.g. his diligence won him quick promotions
           frugality and industry are still regarded as virtues

    Synonym: industriousnessindustry

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