
dimmer是什么意思 dimmer在线翻译 dimmer什么意思 dimmer的意思 dimmer的翻译 dimmer的解释 dimmer的发音 dimmer的同义词 dimmer的反义词 dimmer的例句

dimmer ['dɪmə]  [ˈdɪmɚ] 


dimmer 基本解释


形容词暗淡的( dim的比较级 ); 不光明的; 看不清的; (性质和特征上)不显著的

dimmer 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 亮度:可由 R.G.B 不同色彩及亮度(Dimmer)的变化,客户亦可修改一个Mask 来组合其所需花样及色彩变化.

2. 调光:2.2.1 迅速建立a1至1调光(Dimmer)配接选择第0页允许你配接(PATCH)到预置推杆第001至060号上. 选择第1页允许你配接(PATCH)到预置推杆第101至160号上. 选择第2页允许你配接(PATCH)到预置推杆第201至260号上.

3. dimmer是什么意思

3. 光暗掣:dimensioned plan 度量图 | dimmer 光暗掣 | diorite 闪长岩

dimmer 词典解释

1. (电灯的)调光器,减光器,亮度调节开关
    A dimmer or a dimmer switch is a switch that allows you to gradually change the brightness of an electric light.

dimmer 单语例句

1. Chinese policymakers must move quickly to come up with preventive measures that can cushion the national economy against a much dimmer global growth outlook.

2. Yet the red dwarf star it closely orbits is much smaller, dimmer and cooler than our sun.

3. Yet the high cost and inadequate subsidy often drag them further behind, leaving them with a mountain of debt and a dimmer prospect for a decent job.

4. The SEC's future becomes dimmer with the change in Goldman and Morgan Stanley's structures.

5. Bernardo said his troops had rescued 36 survivors in two days, but that the prospects were looking dimmer for the hundreds still missing.

6. The current poor performance of advanced economies and dimmer global growth outlook only make such increased inflow of foreign capital to China even more impressive.

7. If more and more Japanese people hold a friendly attitude towards China, the rightist forces in Japan will have dimmer political prospects.

8. The statistics paint a comparatively bright picture in East Asia, dimmer in the West and darkest in Africa and Latin America.

9. The pictures and posters of rockers on the walls are of the same kind, only one has dimmer lights.

10. It comes at a time when the spreading financial woes have made employment prospects dimmer than usual.


dimmer 英英释义



1. a rheostat that varies the current through an electric light in order to control the level of illumination

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