
disagreement是什么意思 disagreement在线翻译 disagreement什么意思 disagreement的意思 disagreement的翻译 disagreement的解释 disagreement的发音

disagreement [ˌdɪsəˈgri:mənt]  [ˌdɪsəˈɡrimənt] 


disagreement 基本解释

名词不一致; 分歧,意见不合; 异议,争论; 不适合

disagreement 同义词

disagreement 反义词



disagreement 相关例句


1. He had a loud disagreement with his boss.

2. There was apparent disagreement between their stories.

3. I am in total disagreement with you as to the value of your plan.

4. We have been having a few disagreements in the committee lately.

disagreement 网络解释

1. 不同意:你可以从这样的一个收集品中抽取出(extract)一份单一的文件,并且在本如果经由编辑(compilation)而产生的版权,并没有用来限制此编辑物使用者的声明或放弃的原始版本有任何的不同意(disagreement)时,将以原始版本为准.

2. 不一致:达戈斯蒂诺把这样的现象分为三种:(a)在幻觉(**)的现象中看到愚钝的证据,(b)在自相矛盾(paradox)的现象中看到愚钝的证据,(c)在不一致(disagreement)的现象中看到愚钝的现象.

3. 分歧:在工作中,我们都知道要双赢,但是已进入到工作区,我们就会不自觉的被卷入分歧(Disagreement)-对抗(conflict)-仇视(hostility)中,这个时候我们如何有效的达成一致书中有很好的阐述.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 不符合:dirichlet theorem 狄利克雷定理 | disagreement 不符合 | disappearance 消失

disagreement 词典解释

1. 异议;反对意见
    Disagreement means objecting to something such as a proposal.

    e.g. Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.

2. 争执;意见不合
    When there is disagreement about something, people disagree or argue about what should be done.

    e.g. The United States Congress and the President are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit...
    e.g. Plans for a peace conference failed due to disagreement on who should be allowed to attend...

disagreement 单语例句

1. Their disagreement mainly focused on Cathay's use of cabin crew based outside Hong Kong, some of whom receive less pay than employees living in the city.

2. The assembly ended weeks of disagreement about the fate of the disputed city of Kirkuk to pass the electoral law late on Sunday.

3. There is little disagreement with the consensus that garbage classification is the best way to dispose of waste in an environmentally friendly manner.

4. Some analysts said the numerous areas of disagreement signaled that the round had come to a standstill.

5. They take time to compile and there is often disagreement about the importance of some of the reports.

6. The government is currently funded through a stopgap spending measure expiring on March 4, a result of congressional disagreement last year.

7. There is no disagreement about the value of the original novel, which is universally considered the crowning achievement of Chinese fiction.

8. There is disagreement among analysts about the current occurrence of this indicator.

9. " We must never allow our disagreement on this issue to escalate beyond the diplomatic realm, " he said.

10. That disagreement was believed to have led to the cancellation of Sunday's meeting.

disagreement 英英释义


1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions

    e.g. a growing divergence of opinion

    Synonym: discrepancydivergencevariance

2. the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing

3. a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters

    Synonym: dissensiondissonance

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