
disband是什么意思 disband在线翻译 disband什么意思 disband的意思 disband的翻译 disband的解释 disband的发音 disband的同义词 disband的反义词

disband [dɪsˈbænd]  [dɪsˈbænd] 


disband 基本解释

及物动词遣散; (使)解散,散伙; 解体

不及物动词解散; 遣散

disband 相关例句


1. The army was disbanded when the war ended.


1. disband的翻译

1. The club has disbanded.

disband 网络解释

1. 解散:),而且你不可以像普通部队那样在有兵营的城市升级集团军中的部队,只可以通过不断参加战斗来升级. 如果你建了军事学院,可以把旧的集团军解散(DISBAND)获得100点物资,也不失为一种加快该城市建造的办法.

2. 解散,遣散:detain拘留,扣留 | disband解散,遣散 | disperse解散(集会等),驱散

3. disband

3. 解散(军队):disarrange#扰乱 | disband#解散(军队) | disclaim#拒绝承认;否认

4. 解除队伍:/kickfromraid -- 从Raid中踢队伍 | /disband - 解除队伍 | /follow C 跟随目标

disband 词典解释

1. 解散;解体;(使)散伙
    If someone disbands a group of people, or if the group disbands, it stops operating as a single unit.


    e.g. All the armed groups will be disbanded...
    e.g. The rebels were to have fully disbanded by June the tenth.
           叛乱分子会在 6 月 10日前全部解散。

disband 单语例句

1. About 500 policemen had gathered outside the local mayor's office to protest a government decision to disband their special forces unit.

2. Fatah supporters said in a statement that thousands of Fatah loyalists would deploy across Gaza if the Hamas force did not disband within three days.

3. The British demolished the building in an effort to disband the unit.

4. The NTC is grappling to disband dozens of rival militias with regional allegiances, more than two months after rebels captured and killed Gadhafi.

5. Contador found himself without a team when his Discovery Channel outfit decided to disband after failing to secure a new sponsor.

6. The United States was angered by Chen's decision last month to disband the council, a move interpreted by Washington as an unnecessary provocation of Beijing.

7. The declaration also demands that Israel disband settlements and retreat to its borders before the 1967 Mideast war.

8. The group said on Thursday they had decided to disband in response to criticism levelled at them since the death.

9. Lebanon is currently in violation of Resolution 1559 over its refusal to disband the military wing of Hezbollah.

10. Soldiers fired automatic weapons at a crowd of demonstrators yesterday after they ignored orders to disband.

disband 英英释义


1. stop functioning or cohering as a unit

    e.g. The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting

    Synonym: dissolve

2. cause to break up or cease to function

    e.g. the principal disbanded the political student organization

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