
discharging是什么意思 discharging在线翻译 discharging什么意思 discharging的意思 discharging的翻译 discharging的解释 discharging的发音

discharging [dɪs'tʃɑ:dʒɪŋ]  [dɪs'tʃɑ:dʒɪŋ] 


discharging 基本解释



动词下(客)( discharge的现在分词 ); 卸船; 免除(自己的义务、负担等); 执行

discharging 网络解释

1. discharging

1. 放电:Heesch)除了用计算机来试很多正规图的可约性之外还提出一套放电(discharging)理论(后文会较详细地谈到;放电只是比拟,与电学无关. )来寻找不可避图象组,总算在四色问题的研究方面打了一剂强心针. 有一次赫希在德国基尔(Kiel)大学的讨论会上谈他的方法,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 释放:可以举出许多存在于大脑中的偶然性的证据:如随机开放和闭合神经元细胞膜 (neuronal membrane)中的离子通道(ion channel),或者随机释放(discharging)突触囊泡(synaptic vesicles)的最小电位.

3. 排放; 排出:discharger 排放者; 污染者; 废物的原有者 | discharging 排放; 排出 | discomfort 不愉快感; 不舒适感

4. 出料:dischargetrough 排矿槽 | discharging 出料 | dischargingplatform 卸料平台

discharging 单语例句

1. They will order serious polluters to improve pollutant treatment facilities within a required period and charge them a fee for discharging excessive pollutants.

2. Enterprises that cannot meet national or local discharging standards will be ordered to restructure themselves or even close down and clean up their production methods.

3. Many of them are not fitted with desulfurization systems so are discharging considerable amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

4. Without the license, enterprises will be banned from discharging pollutants into water.

5. Other cases of metal pollution that occurred included a smelter in southern Guangdong province discharging nearly 300 kilograms of thallium into a local river.

6. The investigation also found that some of the plants began covertly discharging wastewater when they realized the monitoring system of local environment authorities was inadequate.

7. In order to ensure the people's health and protect the environment, the government launched a special campaign to rectify and punish enterprises illegally discharging pollution.

8. Over half of all paper mills take no measures before discharging wastewater, and treatment facilities at the others are old and run down.

9. Local governments are urged to restructure industries so that factories discharging excessive industrial waste are gradually reformed or shut down.

10. State regulations demand all ships passing the Three Gorges area to treat all waste products to proper standards before discharging them into the river.

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