
disco是什么意思 disco在线翻译 disco什么意思 disco的意思 disco的翻译 disco的解释 disco的发音 disco的同义词 disco的反义词 disco的例句

disco [ˈdɪskəʊ]  [ˈdɪskoʊ] 


disco 基本解释

名词的士高; 迪斯科舞厅,迪斯科舞会

disco 网络解释

1. disco在线翻译

1. 舞厅:卫生署疾病管制局副局长施文仪表示,泰国距离台湾近、团费便宜,是很多民众毕业旅行或喜爱的旅游胜地,尤其是酒吧(PUB)、夜店、舞厅(DISCO)或秀场等场所容易传染新流感,导致国内的境外移入病例数,在短时间内急遽攀升,研判泰国已经出现社区感染,

2. disco的解释

2. 迪斯高:这种音乐风格改变了以往迪斯高(Disco)那种强劲的快节奏的音乐风格. 一改过去的那种反叛心理,逐渐回归更加自然和人性化的层面上. 音乐也加入了更多声乐上的元素,变得乐感更强;节奏也得已控制和减慢,通常在80-118拍之间徘徊.

3. disco:defense industrial security clearance office; 国防工业安全许可局

4. disco:distance comparisons; 采用距离比较法

disco 词典解释

1. 迪斯科舞厅(或舞会)
    A disco is a place or event at which people dance to pop music.


    e.g. Fridays and Saturdays are regular disco nights.

disco 单语例句


1. On Friday and Saturday nights the courtyard is converted into a disco.

2. It became a hugely popular activity in the United States both in roller rinks and outdoors and was part of the overall disco culture.

3. He said he wanted to spread roller disco to others in Shanghai to let them enjoy this form of dance as much as he does.

4. People listen raptly to the " Silk and Bamboo " music of traditional Guangdong opera, and boogie to the disco beat in nightclubs.

5. It then spread across Europe where huge roller disco parties were held in large rinks and clubs.

6. Relations sank further when the United States blamed Libya for the deadly bombing of a Berlin disco frequented by US military personnel.

7. A computer could also be effectively put to work running a model train or a disco light show.

8. Also this year a charity headed by the son of Khadafy pledged to compensate victims of the Berlin disco bombing.

9. Venues with drug cases have switched from disco and karaoke bars to hotels, cafes and public bathhouses.

10. Dancing on a platform to rock and disco music, they were surrounded by a crowd of all ages.


disco 英英释义



1. a public dance hall for dancing to recorded popular music

    Synonym: discotheque

2. popular dance music (especially in the late 1970s)
    melodic with a regular bass beat
    intended mainly for dancing at discotheques

    Synonym: disco music


1. dance to disco music

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