
discourage是什么意思 discourage在线翻译 discourage什么意思 discourage的意思 discourage的翻译 discourage的解释 discourage的发音 discourage的同义词

discourage [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ]  [dɪsˈkɜ:rɪdʒ] 


discourage 基本解释

及物动词劝阻; 阻碍; 使气馁; 使沮丧

discourage 同义词


discourage 反义词




discourage 相关例句


1. The rain discouraged us from going out.

2. Don't let one failure discourage you.

3. discourage

3. The school teachers discourage smoking.

4. discourage

4. Don't let one failure discourage you, try again.

5. We discouraged him from giving up the job.

discourage 网络解释

1. 使气馁:disclose 揭露 | discourage 使气馁 | diversify 使多样化

2. 阻止,使沮丧,妨碍:discount 折扣 | discourage 阻止,使沮丧,妨碍 | discourse 演沟,谈话,论文

3. discourage的解释

3. 使沮丧:dislike不喜欢 | discourage使沮丧 | dread可怕

discourage 词典解释

1. 使泄气;使灰心
    If someone or something discourages you, they cause you to lose your enthusiasm about your actions.


    e.g. It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you.

She was determined not to be too discouraged.
Today's report is rather more discouraging for the economy.

2. 打消…的念头;阻止;劝阻
    To discourage an action or to discourage someone from doing it means to make them not want to do it.


    e.g. ...typhoons that discouraged shopping and leisure activities.
    e.g. ...a campaign to discourage children from smoking.

discourage 单语例句

1. A growing number of widows and widowers in China are challenging the traditional ideas that discourage single senior citizens from looking for partners.

2. In a bid to discourage the use of wooden chopsticks and protect timber resources, the government imposed a 5 percent consumption tax on them in April.

3. To help discourage the use of wooden chopsticks and protect timber resources, the government imposed a 5 percent consumption tax on their use in April 2007.

4. Some people continue to discourage women from setting higher goals in their chosen professions, especially in sciences.

5. The card would protect public services and discourage clandestine entry and organized fraud, he said.

6. Steep ticket prices frequently prevent classical music lovers from attending concerts in China and discourage interest in great music from the West.

7. Beijing authorities are to raise downtown parking fees by 150 percent to discourage motorists from driving into the congested city center.

8. So the exporters granted market economy treatment benefit from a considerable cost saving that might otherwise discourage them from continuing to trade in the EU.

9. China has applied a raft of measures to rein in property investment, including interest rate rises and rules to discourage construction of luxury homes.

10. Export tax rebates have been scrapped or reduced while natural resources were taxed more to discourage enterprises that consume high energy and resources.

discourage 英英释义


1. admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior

    e.g. I warned him not to go too far
           I warn you against false assumptions
           She warned him to be quiet

    Synonym: warnadmonishmonish

2. try to prevent
    show opposition to

    e.g. We should discourage this practice among our youth

    Synonym: deter

3. deprive of courage or hope
    take away hope from
    cause to feel discouraged

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