
discrepancy是什么意思 discrepancy在线翻译 discrepancy什么意思 discrepancy的意思 discrepancy的翻译 discrepancy的解释 discrepancy的发音

discrepancy [dɪsˈkrepənsi]  [dɪˈskrɛpənsi] 


discrepancy 基本解释

名词矛盾; 不符合(之处)

discrepancy 相关例句


1. discrepancy的意思

1. There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident.

discrepancy 网络解释

1. discrepancy

1. 差异:能力差异(discrepancy) 一种个体内的差异. 指个体发展的不平衡现象. 包括两种情形:(1)完成不同活动所需的能力不一致,比如视觉记忆很强,听觉记忆很差;或者记忆能力正常,推理能力却不及一般水准. 当某项能力成分发展的水平大大低于平均水平并妨碍日常活动时才会引人注意.

2. 差距:(1971)对于工作满足所作的定义,主要从差距(discrepancy)的观点,来看员工对于其所处工作环境之整体看法中所认知的「期望获得的满足」与「实际获得的满足」差距的总办公信息系统(Office Information System)是由办公人员和办公设备构成,

3. 不符合:(2)不符合(discrepancy) 这种不一致常常发生在次系统的行为和目标之间,是一种无法达到预期目标的行为. (3)不和谐(incompatibility) 在同一情境中,两个次系统的目标和行为互相冲突以致对个体不利. (4)优势(dominance) 不论当时是什么情境或是否对其他次系统有害,

4. discrepancy

4. 偏差:文章摘要:该文根据王元,方开泰^[2]的近似偏差(discrepancy)的均匀性准则,定义了理想布点情况下的标准半径,定义了m维单位子空间C^m=[0,1]中两点间的f距离和g距离,由此定义了最大空穴半径和最小空穴半径,提出了均匀性度量的密集性偏差与稀疏性偏差,

discrepancy 词典解释

1. 差异;不符;不一致;出入
    If there is a discrepancy between two things that ought to be the same, there is a noticeable difference between them.

    e.g. ...the discrepancy between press and radio reports.
    e.g. ...major discrepancies in payments made to claimants in similar circumstances.

discrepancy 单语例句

1. It was not possible to explain the discrepancy with the numbers provided by police sources.

2. Also, family members would need to prove their identity in case of any discrepancy.

3. Administration officials say they use conservative estimates and attribute the discrepancy with the congressional budget analysts to technical factors.

4. One of such problems is that there is a large discrepancy between the cost of producing a drug and the price hospitals charge patients.

5. High school graduates from the impoverished counties are given preferential treatment, a move interpreted by many to counterbalance the country's regional discrepancy in education quality.

6. Some physicians stress uniformity and disallow discrepancy, approving only one prescription for treating millions of people.

7. " There is absolutely no discrepancy over our philosophy, " Low said.

8. The discrepancy caused 200 billion yuan of losses in refining operations for China's petroleum giants while major power grids and generators lost 66 billion yuan.

9. But falling stock prices only reconfirm time and time again the increasing discrepancy between the performance of the national economy and the domestic stock market.

10. Cui said the discrepancy in He's age occurred when she was representing a different city to compete in China's city games.

discrepancy 英英释义


1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions

    e.g. a growing divergence of opinion

    Synonym: disagreementdivergencevariance

2. an event that departs from expectations

    Synonym: variancevariant

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