
dispel是什么意思 dispel在线翻译 dispel什么意思 dispel的意思 dispel的翻译 dispel的解释 dispel的发音 dispel的同义词 dispel的反义词 dispel的例句

dispel [dɪˈspel]  [dɪˈspɛl] 


dispel 基本解释

及物动词驱逐; 消除(疑虑等); 驱散(云雾等)

dispel 相关例句


1. The sun soon dispelled the mist.

2. How can we dispel their doubts and fears?

3. dispel是什么意思

3. The sun soon dispelled the thick fog over the field.

4. The managing director's calm words dispelled the clerks' fears of being cut down.

dispel 网络解释

1. 驱散:暴风雨:可以释放飓风(Cyclone),等级一的疾风步(Wind Walk)和驱散(Dispel)魔法. 远程攻击大地:魔法免疫,拥有极高的血量,还有碾碎(Pulverize)和嘲讽(Taunt)技能. 火焰:拥有永久性的献祭(Immolation)和极强的攻击力

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 驱散法术:人类牧师有驱散法术(Dispel),其他的有些部队或者物品也有近似的法术效果. 自动型法术(Autocast Spells) 自动型法术或开/关型法术是一种可以控制开或关的法术. 譬如,人类牧师的医疗是一种自动施放的法术. 如果它被打开,

3. 解咒:切换人物到Poco,用它的解咒(dispel)功能,解除门上的魔法. YOGI:谢谢你POCO,现在再试一次,应该可以了. 再次切换人物,用锤子锤门,门被砸出一个大洞,我们成功了!把掉下的石头碎片捡起来,它大有用处.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 散:你应该能做出大概的判断了. 后面的就纯靠经验来判断了. 总之,到底把你的震荡波(shockwave)用在necros还是ghouls身上不必是天才就能判断了. 2)每次加一个新的魔法来练. 例如,在练好放隐形(invisibility)之后,再练驱散(dispel).

dispel 词典解释

1. 驱散;消除
    To dispel an idea or feeling that people have means to stop them having it.


    e.g. The President is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.

dispel 单语例句

1. The Alliance to Bust Rumors cannot hope to dispel all such rumors.

2. She says the case study and data evidence has allowed her to dispel many of the myths.

3. Jade monkeys are selling well as many " people believe wearing jade can dispel evil, " said a cashier at the Yuyuan Garden Shopping Center.

4. To try to dispel these and other rumors, the government commissioned a pop star to compose a catchy tune about the census.

5. The authorities can cite technical factors to explain away the gap, but they must do more if they want to dispel public doubt.

6. They also gave away free gifts to visitors including special wreaths made of plants, and eggs wrapped in colorful thread to dispel illness and evil.

7. A good communication channel between the government and the people will dispel misgivings.

8. Government officials maintained concerted efforts Friday to dispel panic over the Japanese nuclear crisis, while working quickly to bring home citizens from the stricken country.

9. Drinking the congee can help dispel excessive heat and replenish the yin factor in the body.

10. Green beans are boiled into congee in summer to dispel extra heat in the body.

dispel 英英释义



1. force to go away
    used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings

    e.g. Drive away potential burglars
           drive away bad thoughts
           dispel doubts
           The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers

    Synonym: chase awaydrive outturn backdrive awaydrive offrun off

2. to cause to separate and go in different directions

    e.g. She waved her hand and scattered the crowds

    Synonym: dispersedissipatebreak upscatter

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