
disruptive是什么意思 disruptive在线翻译 disruptive什么意思 disruptive的意思 disruptive的翻译 disruptive的解释 disruptive的发音 disruptive的同义词

disruptive [dɪsˈrʌptɪv]  [dɪsˈrʌptɪv] 

disruptive 基本解释


形容词破坏的; 分裂性的; 扰乱的

disruptive 网络解释

1. 破坏的:°无与匹敌的价格/效能组合,实现创造性破坏的(disruptive)资料中心经济,包括高密度128线路速度(512 oversubscribed) 10-Gigabit埠和864线路速度Gigabit乙太网路埠.

2. 破坏性的:在破坏性技术理论中,克里斯滕森将技术区分为维持性的(Sustaining)和破坏性的(Disruptive)的两类,前者能够改进现有的产品形式和商业模式,后者则因具有完全不同的价值前提和技术特点而具有创造全新商业模式的潜力并进而从整体上改变一个行业的面貌.

3. 破坏性的; 引起混乱的:disposer 废物处置者 | disruptive 破坏性的; 引起混乱的 | dissemination in the air 在空气中散播; 在空气中散布

disruptive 词典解释

1. 破坏性的;制造混乱的
    To be disruptive means to prevent something from continuing or operating in a normal way.


    e.g. Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behavior...
    e.g. The process of implementing these changes can be very disruptive to a small company.

disruptive 单语例句

1. Computer security experts fear other hackers will improve upon the current worm's code, unleashing an even more disruptive worm.

2. The magistrate noted that the protesters had rushed a police cordon, and that their action could be disruptive to public order.

3. But Xiang notes that many Chinese businesses have thrived through cutthroat price measures, which is not only unsustainable but can also be disruptive globally in many sectors.

4. Two players attempted to pacify a man who had been disruptive at a student union dance but were shot when they walked away.

5. Delta Air Lines spokeswoman Susan Elliott said crew members on Sunday requested that security remove the man from Flight 253 after he became disruptive.

6. The job law has inspired disruptive protests at hundreds of universities and high schools and spurred massive demonstrations and violence by some protesters.

7. If we can create a global family of regulation it will enable the financial world to avoid disruptive events having unfortunate effects.

8. In its current form, this policy would create unintended disruptive side effects and could create potentially serious trade conflicts.

9. The negative votes were seen in part as a reaction to globalization, against the disruptive economic and cultural changes that flow from open borders.

10. Something visible and disruptive needs to happen if Asian brands are to live up to their potential during this period of unprecedented change and opportunity.

disruptive 英英释义


1. characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination

    e.g. effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive
           riotous times
           these troubled areas
           the tumultuous years of his administration
           a turbulent and unruly childhood

    Synonym: riotoustroubledtumultuousturbulent

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