
distorted是什么意思 distorted在线翻译 distorted什么意思 distorted的意思 distorted的翻译 distorted的解释 distorted的发音 distorted的同义词

distorted [dɪs'tɔ:tɪd]  [dɪs'tɔ:tɪd] 


distorted 基本解释

扭歪的,受到曲解的;扭曲;曲解;歪曲( distort的过去式和过去分词 );使变形;

distorted 网络解释

1. distorted在线翻译

1. 失真:过载(Overdrive)和失真(Distorted)对于吉他音色来说,是不同的概念. 用过维也纳过载吉他的朋友可能都有这种体会,音色特别脏,也因此音色才逼真. 这就决定维也纳过载吉他不适合所有的风格,尽管可以用软件效果器再处理,

2. 变形:* 当顶点网(vertex mesh)通过程序为了下一步的渲染传送完毕后,可编程几何运算能够对对象通过参数进行变形(distorted)处理,这可以不仅可以让角色皮肤下的肌肉显露出动感,让原本平静的湖面由于风的吹拂出现涟漪效果,

3. 扭曲的:beliefs)去取代现行不理性的(irrational)或扭曲的(distorted)思维模式或信念. 沙维尔(Satir)则相信求「变」,不必拼弃旧的和不适用的,而是加添(add-on)新的思想或行为模式,不适用的,只要不用,便会自然消亡.

distorted 单语例句

1. But although the CAAC reported an air traffic hike in January, analysts at IATA suggested the figures may have been distorted by the Chinese New Year.

2. This perception has attracted huge capital from different domestic industries, which completely distorted its structure and development pattern.

3. Geithner had been expected to press Washington's case for Beijing to ease exchange rate controls that critics alleged distorted trade.

4. These figures are distorted by the use of tax havens, which obscures actual destinations.

5. Others who are against fireworks hold that such major pollution has distorted the original connotation of the celebration and hurt our life.

6. The root of this prejudice is the West's distorted perception of the socialist system, which deems China a threat and challenger to the West.

7. In the same time, netizens on domestic websites also strongly chided the distorted reports.

8. In a 2001 report from the University of Minnesota's Department of Civil Engineering, inspectors found some girders had become distorted.

9. While the Americans are complacent about achieving " energy independence ", the oil trade pattern in the Middle East is becoming distorted.

10. The composition is somewhat strange, with a male nude posing in twisted forms and plants in distorted shapes.

distorted 英英释义



1. having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented

    e.g. many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality
           a perverted translation of the poem

    Synonym: misrepresentedpervertedtwisted

2. so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly

    e.g. deformed thalidomide babies
           his poor distorted limbs
           an ill-shapen vase
           a limp caused by a malformed foot
           misshapen old fingers

    Synonym: deformedill-shapenmalformedmisshapen

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